Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is...the first post in only god knows how long, and i am sorry for the seemingly infinite silence. I've just been not wanting to/having no internet since mid-November.

Well, i've been about recently. More about than out.

New trimester started in November. With it brought English and IB Theatre into the mix. Which is always fun.

I've been noticing recently that whenever i have awful days, the next day always makes up for it in a gigantic way. My Friday was awful. I recieved news that turned out to be flase, with regards to someone close to me, I totally didn't know any of the lines for a scene i'm in in IB theatre, then i left my script at school so i couldn't study them over the weekend, and i stepped in mud on my way to 5th period. Good times.

I apologize i wasn't there for the end of the year awards, nor the roundup of gifts i got for Christmas. Forgive me. Plz. Thx. K Bai.

1) "Yes, i see it there...on the X-axix..."

- The Office