Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Long and Crazy River.

Good morning...? Evening? Afternoon? Well, whenever you're reading this...welcome. I suppose.

It is 2:00 AM on what is now September 13th, 2009. As of right now:

Name: Darren Hicks
Age: 17
Year in School: Senior
Current life status: Potentially hectic

This was once a blog where i shared my adolescent trials, turmoil, blunders, scrapes, mishaps, shenanigans, tomfoolery, and synonyms. I now plan to make this a blog about my transition into my adult vversions of those activities.

I have alot of ground to cover in these next few postings, missives, chapters of my blogvel [blog novel].

Let's uh...get things underway.

My senior year of high school started last Wednesday, and i'm already excited for what's yet to come. Not excited for what already did come. My classes?

0. Encore: With my crazy choir director Ms. Reeve. Which i'm totally positive i'll be sharing more about later.

1. Concert Choir. Oh yes. Two choir periods in a row.

2. Physics: The only area of sciences i'm really into more than a little. And the teacher's pretty cool. And i have alot of friends in that class.

3. Algebra 2: Itt's an okay class so far. Math always is. Don't know why.

Lunch: I eat during this period. In Sil's office. With my girlfriend of now 17 months.

4. Economics: Boy howdy, is this going to be interesting. Interesting like what will happen when someone gets bored enough to stab themselves?

5. English: My favorite teacher so far this year. I can't wait to do more in this class.

Alright, so that would be step 1 i'm assuming?

And now, as i stroke my greasy, unwashed in-need-of-shower-now hair, i ponder on what remains to be shared. How much? Alot. Yrah...I'll get on that as soon as possiblay.

In the meantime...hop on over to my twitter page. If you care to.


1. "Oh yeah, she was real freaky. Just wanted to...get down all the time."

                                        - 40 Year Old Virgin

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