Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Bulletholes

Today in drama we started learning about stage makeup. I don't actually know if we're going to apply it, but we're learning about it at least.

Scrubs is on tonight. On every episode, the main character narrates it, so every episode title has "My" in it. But there are few exceptions. Sometimes dirfferent characters narrate it, making the title "His" or "Her Srory". They have done 4 of these, and tonight is the fifth, from the Janitor's point of view! Awesome!

1) "You cats can go back to Catalina Island or Katmandu or wherever the hell you cats are from, because here in America, Katman-don't!"

- Arj Barker

2) Currently listening to: Straylight Run (self-titled)

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