Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Very Yes

Wow, I'm completely sorry I haven't posted in so long. It's just that our compy has been sick for about a week now. He just got alot better. Not a whole lot has happened, but let me fill ya in.

This weekend, we went to the Concord Mills Mall in Charlotte. It was gigantic. They had a Serenity T-shirt at Hot Topic. I didn't get it though. But we did go to FYE and i got the first season of Robot Chicken. And then the next day Mom and i went to Best Buy to get virus protection software and i got the first season of Wonder Showzen! The coolest weekend ever, right? Awexome!

This week is spring break, and i have no plans or anything. I'm having a blast sitting around doing nothing.

1) "Peanut butter cracker! Go go go!"

- Scrubs

2) Currently listening to: Maroon by Barenaked Ladies

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