Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Malapropism

So, about my 2nd period teacher. In Health 2. There's this thing about her. I'll explain it like i did to everybody else.

OK, she says "et cetera" alot, which i wouldn't mind, if it were said correctly. But in this particular case, it's...not happening. The word is used in such an awful way. She says it like the medication Excedrin. "Excedra" is the pronunciation. It angers me. I don't know what to do. But something i have done is started a semester-long tally of the number of times this false word is uttered. So far, we're at 14. I excpect it to pop up many more times in the coming weeks. 

I mean, my god, it's complete word murder. Worder, if you will. You probably won't, but i most certainly have. It is simply ridiculous. 

Learn how to talk, kids.

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