Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Viva la Blog...a

I've seriously been considering discontinuing this blog and relocating, but on a whim, i decided against the matter. So, without further adieu, here's the first of MANY posts in the coming days.

School was underway a few weeks ago. Let's run down the classes.

1. Chemistry. It's a pretty easy class. And the teacher is pretty cool. 

2. Health 2. This is an extremely easy class. More on the teacher in the next post. 

3. Concert Choir. The new choir director is freaking amazing. She actually cares if we're good or if we aren't so good, and works us until we get things right. 

4. French 2. It's hard to grasp the traditions of the class, and i haven't taken French since 9th grade. But it's not that complicated. So, i'm glad.

5. Geometry. Easy. Teacher is new, but she's okay.

I know i should've told you all this ages and ages ago, and for this i apologize.

1) "You're a weird looking smiley face!"

                     - overheard in the DM hall

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