Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm Always in This Twilight

At the end of a harmless, fun Saturday night, i can safely say now that it was the most satisfying one i've had in such a long time. So many things got covered and my life got made so much simpler, many events and feelings culminated and now i feel incredible, relaxed.

I don't feel quite lost anymore. The feeling that i thought i had, i realized doesn't exist, and that i was just freaking out about nothing. You see, sometimes your mind plays awful tricks on you, and you just need something small to see past it. I'm so glad that happened tonight.

I had a long conversation with my best friend in the whole world tonight. That also helped. We just went over what we thought of our friends and the choices they've made, and how it affects me mostly, and i just...don't want to be them. I really don't. It was so nice to have someone there with a level head for me to talk to. Not just someone who'll get all defensive and try to convince me that i'm wrong. It was so nice to just get it all out. It really was. And all thought there are still some tthings i don't think i'll be able to tell anyone, i'm real glad i did what i could. Honestly, sometimes i love my friends more than myself.

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