Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 Days in October

So guys. I was in a movie. Well, i still am, but more on that later.

So filming was in Damascus. A small town near Clackamas. At our producer's house and surrounding areas. Got there Thursday night. We were to shoot the following morning. We got up early-ish, and headed to our first location. We had a lot of troubles with the sun and it's pesky hiding behind clouds every five damn seconds. And also a metric buttload of dump trucks drove by, and there was an accident just up the road, and on top of that, the footage we shot that morning was all overexposed. We were able to make it decent, but...decent isn't good enough. So, we decided to shoot those scenes at a later date.

There were alot of scenes we had to reshoot. Due to many circumstances. But, that's how the film process works, i suppose.

One of those circumstances: We have in our employ Adrienne King, star of a few of the Friday the 13th movies. Her being a SAG actor, we have to follow certain guidelines, file paperwork, etc. So the scenes with her in them, as the principal of our school, had to be rescheduled.

Anyway, other than that, filming went down excellently. One of our DPs said that it's the best footage he's ever shot camera-wise, and everyone is doing amazing performances. On occasion, people tearing up and the like.

On the other side of the spectrum, my character, being the comic relief, had some important work to do as well. Or important to me, anyway. One scene called for me to riff on one of my lines, and when that was finished, people released their theretofore held-in laughter. I'll be completely honest/arrogant: people were howling. Me in my modesty, burshed it off with a "really?" and kept on moving.

Other than filming, everything whatsoever was amazing. There was not one person i didn't like, with one exception. Dorothy, our cooking lady. She cooked AMAZING food, but she was very difficult. She didn't understand how important it was to NOT BE COOKING AND MAKING NOISEY NOISE while we were filming. Also, when it was time to eat, she was a crazy kitchen Nazi. You can't serve yourself, and when you politely notify her that your portion is suitable, she insists on piling more onto your plate. Really good food, but yeah. None of that. And she was canned. And replaced! By someone who just set food out and prepared it before she came. Very cool thing to do. I called her "set mom".

On one of the days, we went on a little adventure. Walked around, went to the school near where we were staying. Played/swung. Walked forever. Then finally came back.

We watched alot of movies, played alot of Mario Kart Wii, slept...yeah. I think my momentum just ran out. My mind is blanking.  Well...uh...sorry.

 Well, it was a glorious ten days. One of if not the best experiences of my life. I met some beautiful people, shared some amazing times, heard awesome stories, flung some knives/axes at trees...wait, let me tell you that story real quick.

It was lunch one afternoon, and a couple of people were being taught by our director how to throw knives. Just for funsies. I was an observer for the most part, and then near the end of this endeavor, i decided to try it. The first knife i threw, let me repeat, first knife, stuck in the tree. I was so satisfied. Clearly the most badass thing i've EVER done. And then i ate a sandwich or something.

So yeah...that happened. It was a time of nuttin, never Denny's, broccoli runs, snorting Altoids, skanky skanks, sexy sex, and just about everything under the sun. That is, until the sun gets covered by clouds.


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