Saturday, September 23, 2006

Blow OUT!

Today was crazy. I got up, ate breakfast, went backl to bed, got up again, watched a couple of SB eemails and ep. of Strangers With Candy and listened to TMBG and The Hives, then we went out. We went to Best Buy and Target, we got alot of stuff. And i mean alot.

  1. First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes
  2. Barenaked Ladies Are Me by Barenaked Ladies
  3. Comtinuum by John Mayer
  4. Jason Mraz Live by Jason Mraz
  5. Stella - Season 1
  6. The Office - Season 2
  7. plates
  8. heat lamp for Pedro
  9. groceries
Yeah, i know right?

Do you want to know how much dough you need to shell out when the Wii rolls in? Well, thanks to Wii Calculator, you can do just that.

1) "How do you plan on a bank full of nuns?"

- Bank Job by Barenaked Ladies

2) CL2: BLAM by BNL

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