Friday, September 22, 2006


This past Monday, Comedy Central, WACH FOX 57 and WGN are starting to syndicate SCRUBS!!! Awesome, yes?

So the week sucked and ruled both in equal measure. I won't go into deep detail but certain people piss me off to no end. I completely mean it, too. On to the good stuff!

Tuesday i found out that i had a part, and a supposedly awesome one, in the winter production of Arsenic and Old Lace. I say supposedly because i've never seen the play and/or film. I'm playing Dr. Einstein, which first, sounds cool, and second, people say I'd play it perfectly.

Last night was the season premieres of The Office and My Name is Earl, both were extraordinary.

And today is Friday, I'm so happy, I'm singing.

1) "Fish don't have good musics to listens to."

- Dethklok Metalocolypse

2) CL2: Jason Mraz - Mr. A-Z

3) Thought: "Yeah, i gots the flow."

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