Monday, September 4, 2006

I Got My Wish

I finally got AD S3 on Saturday. 'Twas a glorious day.

We went to Charlotte for lunch yesterday, Red Robin. I had the burger with the fried egg in it. New topping for my burgers!

We rented movies, Evil Dead II and Rent.

Evil Dead II: 9.5/10
Rent: 7/10

Rent was OK, the songs were cheesy. ED@ was amazingly awesome. Totally hilarious. Just like AoD. The Evil Dead was more of a horror movie than a horror comedy. But it was still awesome. That really about does it.

1) "I'll set the building on fire..."

- Office Space

2) CL2: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance (which is magnificent).

3) Thought: "This is magnificent!"

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