Monday, February 12, 2007

We've Been Through This Before

I'd like to think that i'm totally over it, but i don't think i am.

It's beginning to drive me mad. I hate it. I just want it to go away. To leave. To never show it's ugly face again.

But it does. It comes back like a killer in a horror movie. I try to run upstairs, like everyone else, but it gets me. I try to fight. I grab something and hit it with it. I works, but not for long. It just keeps coming back for me.

And then it finally goes away. But somewhere, there's another killer, watching me and waiting to strike. I thought it was over. I've done this, and bought the t-shirt. I have enough memories of this. Why can't this leave? Why can't this horrible thing just leave?

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I have nothing to do, whatsoever. So, i confide in this computer. I do need to take a shower though. Hmm...

Mom and Liz are watching the Peter Jackson King Kong right now, and taking many breaks for making some type of food. I dunno what, but it smells wretched.

1) "Yeah, this is totally a diaper show."

- SB Email (i can't believe i forgot which one...)

2) cl2: Jane by Ben Folds

Saturday, February 10, 2007

In Other News...

Today is the one-year anniversary of the last episodes of Arrested Development. [sigh]

I would now like to take a look back at this amazing program.

2003: I see commercials for a new show. "It looks interesting," I say. But i don't watch regularly, as i very well should, and will.

2004: I see my first episode. I love it, and think it might be the funniest thing ever. I catch many reruns over the summer. FOX airs the season finale as a "lost episode". I find this odd, and have no idea what's going on. Second season premieres, i get first season DVDs for Christmas. I become addicted.

2005: I hear news that season 2 has been cut down from 22 to 18 episodes. This makes me furiously angry. At the end of the season, FOX starts a petition to see how many people wanted to save the show. Hundreds of thousands sign, the show gets a 3rd year. I get the season 2 DVDs for my birthday. 3rd season premieres, then FOX decides to cut down from 22 to 13 episodes. We all come to the conclusion it has finally been canceled.

2006: 9th episode of 3rd season airs. I miss it, i cry. Everyone thinks this is the last episode, as it does not appear on the schedule. FOX announces that the last 4 episodes will be shown during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. At the same time. I tape the episodes, watch them religiously. Wait for season 3 DVDs to arrive. The date is set: June whatever. DVDs are taken off release schedule. DVDs are put back on schedule for August 29th. I buy them, the next weekend. G4 starts showing reruns, along with HDNet. This makes me happeh.

2007: Every cast member is doing their own things now. Rumors still fly about a movie. Everybody reportedly, wants to participate. Suspicion rises...

35 Minutes Later

I started my 333rd post 35 minutes after 3:33. Waaaahhhh.

I've been wanting to make a CD for the past few days, and now i'm finally setting out to find more good songs. I found this guy, who's from Columbia. His name's Daniel Machado, i have no idea how to say his last name. But, he's prootty cool.

Wow, I have nothing else to talk about. I almost died last night. That's about it.

1) "I'm now telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate!"

- Wiily Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

2) Cl2: mom playing Sly 3

3) searching for: Hawt toonze.

Friday, February 9, 2007


I would like to have written this post earlier. But, i had no plans today so i'm writing it now.

My friend Zach came over yesterday, and it was awesome. He hardcore danced on the living room, we watched Family Guy and played Mario and Donkey Kong. He stayted for dinner and we had chicken quesadillas.

Today, i wanted to do something, but here i am doing absolutely nothing. I probably won't be doing anything next Friday either. Urrgh.

1) "You never told me it was a gay play. Now i gotta be gay on front of another gay, acting all gay...It's so gay."

- Extras

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Vidyas" 2007 First Edition

Conan - Ghost Crooner

BNL: Making Chimps

Whoa, That's Cool

Something awesome happened today. I cannot and will not go into detail, but it was amazinggggggg. That's right, 7 g's.

I wanna know when The Shins are coming back to OR. I hope sometime after the move. And i hope tix are reasonably priced. Yeah, i said tix. I could've said tihkz. I didn't though.

Today, it was amazingly beauiful outside. I'm not kidding. It was crazy nice out.

Yeeeeehhhh. See ya.

1) "I could be bussing tables
i could well be pumping gas
but i get paid much finer
by playing piano and kissing ass"

- One Down (Ben Folds)


Today, we have a delayed start, and that makes me happy.

Because of the extra 2 hours off slep i get, it's really great how i'm feeling. I feel great, not fantasctically tired like yesterday or any other day. I really like that feeling.

And also, i have time to mess around. I should srill be looking for my ATHF shirt and find it before it becomes irrelevant.

1) "i do not need
a microphone
my voice is fickin'
bad to the bone"

- Master Exploder (Tenacious D)

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Getting Shirty

In light of recent tragedies regarding Aqua Teen Hunger Force characters, i've decided that tonight, i will find my ATHF shirt. I haven't worn or seen it in months. Makes me wonder...

I wanna wear it tomorrow.

I agree with Ricky Gervais. The second season of Extras is in fact the funniest thing he's ever done. Especially the last 2 episodes. Wow, those were amazingly hilarioous. WRent the season 1 DVDs or something, to get caught up, and then catch HBO reruns or something. This show is simply wonderful.

1) "I will redefine a weekday for you, baby."

- Joel Gion

2) cl2: K33b0r3d

Monday, February 5, 2007

Selling the Lot.

I had an impulse to look at all of my old Pokemon cards, and i want to sell them on eBay. i have about 100 of them. Yeah...i have official ones, ones from Topps, and some from Burger Kng. Why am i talking about this? I have better things to talk about...

Not really.

Liz preordered her new Fall Out Boy CD a couple of weeks ago, it comes out tomorrow, and she got it on Saturday. How cool is that? [Weezer/] Anyway, i really like it. It's better than previous endeavors, i think.

You got good grammar?

1) "You hit me in the face!"
"Oh, i know! It's America's passtime!"

- In Search of the Yello Dello (Commentary)

3) "Sweeterrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!"

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Lights! Camera! Terrorists?

It is time for me to address the "Aquagate" scandal if i may.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows the tale. A couple of dudes put up an ad campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters in major cities across the country with nothing but LED lights, magnets and 4 Duracell batteries, they leave them up for a bout 2 weeks, then, all of a sudden, people in Boston freak out. This huge scare starts and they shut down highways and the like because the "packages" look suspicious!

Boston is the only town that freaked out. That is what gets me so confused about this. If i saw it, i'd know it was art or something like it.

And Boston and their quite in-touch mayor said this:

"This is obviously an attempt for a failing show"

A failing show? First of all, this guy doesn't know anything at all. Let me give yo 3 reasons why:

1. Aqua teen is quite popular among teenagers and college students.

2. They just finished their 5th season.

3. There's a freaking movie coming out in March.

And the media. The blessed media are saying that it was a prank and that they meant for the devices to look like bombs to scare people and calling the boxes "hoax devices" and things like that. They have no idea what they're doing. It was simply a misunderstanding. Not a prank.

And the guys that did it, so great. This is the exact reason why.

1.31.07: Never forget.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Yes, children. 'Tis February. The month of fake groundhogs and Valentines.

Yes, February. The Super Bowl, the Oscars, the Grammys. Blah blah blah.

That's enough of that. Here's the deal. After this, i only have 4 months left in this hellhole of insanity. Then i'm gone forever. I need to carry plans out, and fast. With authority. I ned to march with power and confidence. I need to change myself.

I need to pass Biology. I need to pass everything else. I need to not type like hell, like i'm doing now. If you could see all te errors i'm making now, you'd die from the sight. I think i just need to make the paragraph with no mistakes erased. Here we go.

Rehearsal was canceled today. They didn't want us in the school or something, ad someone someoione used the fireextinguisher in the theater. That just pisses me off. Now we prebably won't be able tpo use it for days.

How was that? Horrid? Yeah, i thought so.

NBC shows are new tonight. W00t.

1) "Good job everyone!"

- what i said to everybody after "rehearsal" today.

2) CL2: Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance