Thursday, February 1, 2007


Yes, children. 'Tis February. The month of fake groundhogs and Valentines.

Yes, February. The Super Bowl, the Oscars, the Grammys. Blah blah blah.

That's enough of that. Here's the deal. After this, i only have 4 months left in this hellhole of insanity. Then i'm gone forever. I need to carry plans out, and fast. With authority. I ned to march with power and confidence. I need to change myself.

I need to pass Biology. I need to pass everything else. I need to not type like hell, like i'm doing now. If you could see all te errors i'm making now, you'd die from the sight. I think i just need to make the paragraph with no mistakes erased. Here we go.

Rehearsal was canceled today. They didn't want us in the school or something, ad someone someoione used the fireextinguisher in the theater. That just pisses me off. Now we prebably won't be able tpo use it for days.

How was that? Horrid? Yeah, i thought so.

NBC shows are new tonight. W00t.

1) "Good job everyone!"

- what i said to everybody after "rehearsal" today.

2) CL2: Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance

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