Saturday, February 3, 2007

Lights! Camera! Terrorists?

It is time for me to address the "Aquagate" scandal if i may.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows the tale. A couple of dudes put up an ad campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters in major cities across the country with nothing but LED lights, magnets and 4 Duracell batteries, they leave them up for a bout 2 weeks, then, all of a sudden, people in Boston freak out. This huge scare starts and they shut down highways and the like because the "packages" look suspicious!

Boston is the only town that freaked out. That is what gets me so confused about this. If i saw it, i'd know it was art or something like it.

And Boston and their quite in-touch mayor said this:

"This is obviously an attempt for a failing show"

A failing show? First of all, this guy doesn't know anything at all. Let me give yo 3 reasons why:

1. Aqua teen is quite popular among teenagers and college students.

2. They just finished their 5th season.

3. There's a freaking movie coming out in March.

And the media. The blessed media are saying that it was a prank and that they meant for the devices to look like bombs to scare people and calling the boxes "hoax devices" and things like that. They have no idea what they're doing. It was simply a misunderstanding. Not a prank.

And the guys that did it, so great. This is the exact reason why.

1.31.07: Never forget.

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