Monday, June 23, 2008

The Subject is No Longer Tabuu

Yes, i cleared it. The Subspace Emmisary. And i went back to get Wolf, Jigglypuff and Toon Link. Surprisingly? I don't really like fighting with Sonic. Sure, he's fast, and he has a cool throw, and does the ball thing, Snake, Pit and R.O.B. are fine with me.

So. last night was awesome. Sam, Liz and I decided to walk to the Esplenade, to get stuff from Safeway and to take Be Kind Rewind back. Really good movie, by the way. On our way back, Liz and i rode in a shopping cart. Which i'm hazy on if it's against the law or not. Probably. Went to Deja's, hung out for a bit, then went back home. We planned on staying up all night, and got energy drinks. I made it until 3:45, and i don't know about the other two yet. Still...good times.

1) "You know who else has hands? The devil! And he uses 'em for holdin'!"

- Walk Hard

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Here Comes...Oh Wait, Nothing

So yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I haven't been doing virtually ANYTHING fun the last few days. That's...bad. But at least for the first time in my life i wanna actually do crap during the summer. Not just loaf around at home. So...that's good.

SSE has still been a little bit of a whore to conquer. It's about everytime i play, i know where i'm going at one point, and then they throw me back somewhere else, and then i have no idea again. It's fantastic! But not really.

Mmkay. Now i'm satisfied. I still have Be Kind Rewind that i haven't watched yet. But i need to wait for Sam + the fam. Holy crap, that is a sitcom. It should be.

1) "THING!"

- what everyone says when they see a Smash Ball

Some Very Valid Questions (In My Opinion)

Do you ever have dreams where you're in a PE class and the game is to see who can wash a dog the fastest?

Are you ever so bored that taking a shower seems like something that's really fun?

What should you do on a Sunday afternoon when nobody's available?

Why can't i think of another question i had earlier?

Why was i born someone who always forgets things? I mean, not always, but alot of the time.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In a Yellow Sub(space Emissary)marine

I know i should probably be posting more now, since it is summer and i barely do anything. I haven't really done anything in two days. Sad.

So, Saturday was nice, my dad's sister's family came over, and they brought their Wii. They are letting us borrow it while they go to Florida. So, they came, and we had a barbecue dinner. Sam came over and hanged for a while, then left, then came back to sleep over. Then Sunday came, and blah blah, more hang outage. Then they left for the airport, and my sister and Sam left for getting ready for camping the next morning.

On Monday morning, my dad and i went to my grandparents' house to mow their backyard. Then we went to 7-11 and got Slurpees. Yeahhhh. And then we went to Blockbuster to rent a game. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. More on that later. Then we went to Taco Bell for lunch.

I went over to Deja's later to watch Damn Yankees, cuz apparently we're doing that as our musical next year. We only liked 3 of the songs. Pity.

Subspace Emmisary's Great Maze is pissing me off. Royally. I keep dying and for no reason. I have no clue where to go. It's awful. I'm going to have to look at the FAQ for it. But, other than that? Excellent game.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

HCT 2008: IDCR

On Sunday. Liz, Chip, Sam and I went to thge 2008 Honda Civic Tour. Headliners: Panic at the Disco. Supporters: Phantom Planet, The Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack.

We got to the Expo Center fomr the MAX, and rode the yellowline through the Portland ghetto, if you will.

When we arrived, the line was kinda...long. but not too long, so whatev. We waited, and waited. For a few minutes, and then we started to move. And a few seconds later, we were inside the Expo Center. There were quite a few people there in front of us, but as i said, there wasn't that many. We waited more, and more. And then Phantom Planet began.

Songs [i remember]
Do the Panic [w/Ryan Ross from PATD]
Big Brat

Grade: C

And then they stopped, and they plugged their album alot. They were okay. Better on disc though. After them, we went to find Cody, Amy and Mike. They were sitting, cuz PP sucked. While we were there, The Hush Sound started, Liz, Chip and I ran to get spots back.

Songs [i remember most of them]
Wine Red
Sweet Tangerine
Don't Wake Me Up [w/Brendan Urie from PATD]
Lion's Roar
Medicine Man
We Intertwined

Grade: B+

They stopped, and we pretty much stayed where we were. Then, holy crap. Motion City Soundtrack.

Attractive Today
My Favorite Accident
Last Night
Fell in Love Without You
Everything is Alright
LG Fuad
The Future Freaks Me Out
This is For Real
It Had to Be You
Broken Heart
Make Out Kids
Time Turned Fragile

Grade: A

Oh god, i lost my ess during their set. I knew almost all the songs from the very first note, and went crazeh. It was the greatest.

And then, the main event. Panic at the Disco.

We're So Starving
Nine in the Afternoon
She's a Handsome Woman
That Green Gentleman
Northern Downpour
Pas de Cheval
Behind the Sea
Folkin' Around
Mad as Rabbits
The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage
Time to Dance [acoustic]
Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
But it's Better if You Do!
I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
I Constantly Thank God for Esteban
There's a Reason These Tables are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of it Yet

And then it was done. Mind you, those setlists are not in any order. Except in the order that i thought of them.

When it was over, Liz went to go buy a shirt, and that took a while, and we got the 11:45 train back. We stopped at Rose Quarter, and Dad and Mom picked us up. Then we went home all tired an such. And i had school the next day. Luckily it wasn't finals. But i was still tired. That night, i was so effing out of it, and i was saying everything i thought in this really tired and weakish voice. It was kinda hilarious, now that i remember it. But anyway, i collapsed in bed, and blah blah blah.

The end, kids.

If You're Going, Then Go. Go Go Go.

My final day of sophomorism was today! That was awesome. Speaking of, i think i did excellent on the algebra final.

Today was my two month anniversary. It was great. Right after school, we went home, and then went to the park until about 3:30. Now i'm here.

I don't know what my plans are for the weekend. Although tomorrow i'm seeing The Happening. Can't wait. Yay. It's gonn' be great, yo.


1) "Oh...Todd...You took the hallway door from the shower."

- Samantha Who?

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Streets I Used to Own

So, the seniors are gone.

Today was so empty. Nobody was there. And by nobody, i mean alot of people weren't there. I was uber tired from the night before, more on that later. I slept in choir, and i had to be woken up. Good thing we weren't singing though, so yay.

And then future today was empty again, except people visited. I saw Kung Fu Panda yesterday. It was gud.

Finals start tomorrow. Gross.

1) "Skidoosh."

- Kung Fu Panda

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Irony Board

So, yeah. This week's been great/auuughhhh. Here's why.

On Thursday, it was the seniors' last day. In choir, they sat down all the seniors and Ms. Butler talked about them all, and gave them flowers. It was crazy emotional. I cried. Yeah, that's right. I admit it. And the rest of the day i was hugging everybody and blah blay blah. Yes, the blay was intentional.

And then after school, Kelsey's bro was auditioning for Encore, so Sam asked me if i tried out. I said no, to which he was angry. He said, "Just ask her right now if you can." So...i did, and i auditioned. The results would be posted the day after.

Then later that night, we picked up Liz's boyfreeeend from the airport. It was nice.

So, Friday rolled around. Everything felt so weird with no seniors. It was sad. Lunch was almost by myself. And boring, of course.

I got out of school and my dad picked me up. Got home, got ready for the commencement ceremony, and went. It was about an hour and a half, but it seemed like longer. J. Mo sang, and Sam did the Star-Spangled Banner. Which was good. Very good. And Leah, Daniel and Wil did a song too. Then the everlasting list of names for diplomas. I cheered for about a fourth of the people. And then it ended, and then blah blah blehhhh. We did stuff, and then more things., And here's today.

Liz's grad party is today. Then Ben and Kelsey's. Then Enchanted Forest on Sunday, then PATD!!!!!!!

1) "Hah. Mah nayme's Been Fawlds."

- The Making of Songs for Silverman (i don't really know why i chose's really not that funny to read.)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy

It's Toonces' birthday. She's nine years old.

So, yesterday, i went to Cody's grad party. Good times. It was full of crazy random crap. Karoke, beach ball action, football, jamming, wrestling with Mike and Sam. Sam tackling Aaron. Watching Walk Hard, opening gifts, and then me going home. There was more stufff that went on, but i totally forgot. Cuz of the drugs! Not really. I'm responsible.

So, it's the seniors' last week this week, and then it's mine. I needs to do some work, folks. So, bye.

1) "It's instinctive!"

- Sam after tackling Aaron