Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In a Yellow Sub(space Emissary)marine

I know i should probably be posting more now, since it is summer and i barely do anything. I haven't really done anything in two days. Sad.

So, Saturday was nice, my dad's sister's family came over, and they brought their Wii. They are letting us borrow it while they go to Florida. So, they came, and we had a barbecue dinner. Sam came over and hanged for a while, then left, then came back to sleep over. Then Sunday came, and blah blah, more hang outage. Then they left for the airport, and my sister and Sam left for getting ready for camping the next morning.

On Monday morning, my dad and i went to my grandparents' house to mow their backyard. Then we went to 7-11 and got Slurpees. Yeahhhh. And then we went to Blockbuster to rent a game. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. More on that later. Then we went to Taco Bell for lunch.

I went over to Deja's later to watch Damn Yankees, cuz apparently we're doing that as our musical next year. We only liked 3 of the songs. Pity.

Subspace Emmisary's Great Maze is pissing me off. Royally. I keep dying and for no reason. I have no clue where to go. It's awful. I'm going to have to look at the FAQ for it. But, other than that? Excellent game.

1 comment:

weas said...

You want to just explore the entire map. If you want to look at the map, just pause the game, and it'll show you what places you haven't been through yet. You'll have to beat all the bosses in the maze (marked on the map as well at some point) before you can enter through the very middle portion of the map to fight the final boss.