Monday, June 23, 2008

The Subject is No Longer Tabuu

Yes, i cleared it. The Subspace Emmisary. And i went back to get Wolf, Jigglypuff and Toon Link. Surprisingly? I don't really like fighting with Sonic. Sure, he's fast, and he has a cool throw, and does the ball thing, Snake, Pit and R.O.B. are fine with me.

So. last night was awesome. Sam, Liz and I decided to walk to the Esplenade, to get stuff from Safeway and to take Be Kind Rewind back. Really good movie, by the way. On our way back, Liz and i rode in a shopping cart. Which i'm hazy on if it's against the law or not. Probably. Went to Deja's, hung out for a bit, then went back home. We planned on staying up all night, and got energy drinks. I made it until 3:45, and i don't know about the other two yet. Still...good times.

1) "You know who else has hands? The devil! And he uses 'em for holdin'!"

- Walk Hard

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