Saturday, June 7, 2008

Irony Board

So, yeah. This week's been great/auuughhhh. Here's why.

On Thursday, it was the seniors' last day. In choir, they sat down all the seniors and Ms. Butler talked about them all, and gave them flowers. It was crazy emotional. I cried. Yeah, that's right. I admit it. And the rest of the day i was hugging everybody and blah blay blah. Yes, the blay was intentional.

And then after school, Kelsey's bro was auditioning for Encore, so Sam asked me if i tried out. I said no, to which he was angry. He said, "Just ask her right now if you can." So...i did, and i auditioned. The results would be posted the day after.

Then later that night, we picked up Liz's boyfreeeend from the airport. It was nice.

So, Friday rolled around. Everything felt so weird with no seniors. It was sad. Lunch was almost by myself. And boring, of course.

I got out of school and my dad picked me up. Got home, got ready for the commencement ceremony, and went. It was about an hour and a half, but it seemed like longer. J. Mo sang, and Sam did the Star-Spangled Banner. Which was good. Very good. And Leah, Daniel and Wil did a song too. Then the everlasting list of names for diplomas. I cheered for about a fourth of the people. And then it ended, and then blah blah blehhhh. We did stuff, and then more things., And here's today.

Liz's grad party is today. Then Ben and Kelsey's. Then Enchanted Forest on Sunday, then PATD!!!!!!!

1) "Hah. Mah nayme's Been Fawlds."

- The Making of Songs for Silverman (i don't really know why i chose's really not that funny to read.)

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