Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My June (Almost)

Well, another month has come and gone. We were in school for a couple weeks, then got out.

My Aunt got on a plane a couple of hours ago, my parents had to wake up at 4:00 to get her to the airport. I was woken up at 8:00 to eat breakfast. As soon as i finished, i hopped om this computerized contraption and the air conditioning guy came. I think he left to get some stuff right now. It's all quiet.

Last Comic Standing was on last night. The new season premeire. There are some really funny people this time around. One guy has cerebral palsy, and he uses it to his advantage. He's really funny. And one girl with a cleft(?) palette. She's funny too. And Skippy from Family Ties is there, i don't know if he made it through though. And one guy named Chris Porter, he's witty. Hee, witty...

1) "My foot's been asleep for the entire day today, so if you guys could just keep it down..."

- Tig (LCS)

2) Currently watching: Robot Chicken: Season 1 with commentary

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Thrilling Sickness

No, I'm not sick again, but i almost was yesterday. Becasue...

Yesterday, we went to Carowinds! Oh, such fun, and oh, such lines.

We got there, Mom, Liz, and Aunt Nita who is visiting us until the 31st, went on Top Gun. That took a while, so we ate lunch afterwards. We ate at the Happy Days Diner, had what else but a burger and fries? Then we went on a water ride. It wasn't that exciting, but oh man, was the next ride. Mom, >iz, Nita abnd I went on the BORG Assimilator. We were scared, or at least i was, by the creepy BORG voice they used for it. The guy who did the voiceover rules on the microphone sounded really dorky, so we had to make fun. I was scared to go on it, and after the ride was finished, i was dizzy but it was amazing. I'm pretty much not scared of anything now. Rollercoaster wise. They made you lay down on your back and there were many a moment where you felt like you were going to fall out and land in the water.

The ride was spectacular, but i felt horribly sick after.

Then we got ice cream and then we waited forewver for another water ride but it got closed due to lightning so we left our glorious day at Carowinds. I only rode 2 rides, but the hour-long wait for the BORG was completely worth it.

1) "You put your black man in, you take your black man out, you lock your black man up, and you shake him all about. That's called the Honkey Pokey!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently listening to the sweet, sultry sounds of the furnace

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Summer

I'm so ready for high school. Bring it on! (Short post, I know)

My aunt arrives today. She's staying until the end of the month. We're going to Carowinds on Friday!

1) "And here, Dave, is the actual sword from Sound of Music."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently wathing: DiG!, NewsRadio: Season 3, Firefly: Complete Series, Wonder Showzen: Season 1, Napoleon Dynamite
Listening to: Commit This to Memory by Motion City Soundtrack

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My WS Breakdown

Season 2 of Wonder Showzen has just wrapped. Let me now list the eps. and rank them by how much i liked them. While i rock out to "Dirty Harry" by Gorillaz.

Episode Guide:

101: Birth
102: Space
103: Ocean
104: Diversity
105: Nature
106: History
107: Health
108: Patience

201: Body
202: Time
203: Knowledge
204: Justice
205: Science
207: Mathematics
208: Clarence's Special Report (?)

Now the rankings:


1: Health
2: Diversity
3: Ocean
4: History
5: Birth
6: History
7: Space
8: Patience


1: Time
2: Knowledge
3: Cooperation
4: Clarence's Special Report
5: Justice
6: Body
7: Science
8: Mathematics

Friday, May 19, 2006

My Season Finale...

Tonight is the season 2 finale of Wonder Showzen. You wanna know the really cool news? They're already renewed for Season 3. A great feat, for an MTV2 show that almost no one watches. W00t! But wait, it could go the route of Sifl and Olly. Show production could be shut down in the middle of it. Then they'll release the shot episodes on a DVD that nobody knows about and it well sell out or be lost by the company that manufactured it! Say it isn't so! Oh, nevermind, it hasn't even happened yet.

Monday is my last day of middle school.


I can't wait until i go into the 9th grade. Wish me the best of luck.

1) "Profits before people!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Watching: NewsRadio: Season 2
Listening to: Winamp music library

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Missed 7

You know something peculiar? In 2 of the 2 season of Wonderr Showzen so far, I've always missed the 7th episode. 107: Health, and 207: Mathematics. I missed 107 because They only raqn it once and then it got taken off, and 207 because we were watching something else at 9:30 and i thought it would be on at 12:30 for rerunnage and Punk'd was on instead, oh well. I'm recording it toonight, if it's on that is.

Today, me and mom went to Best Buy to get Scrubs: S3, it was completely sold out! I got the Invite Them Up 3 CD/1DVD set instead, it's pretty funny so far. It's a comedy festival type deal. Anyway, nt much else to say, I'm not doing anything this weekend.

Oh! In the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, i was sitting there, mom enters the vehicle, and the car won't start. The battery had beenm worn down by me. Oops. So, we got a jump from some nice people and we drove on home. Fun time, eh?

So, guess what? The girl i liked in Oregon has a boyfriend now who leaves commetns on her MySpace page that say "I love you" and stuff on 'em. I'm left insanely jealous. Even though she's across the country. Argh.

1) "As you can see, Jon Tickle can not walk on water."
"But i can walk on custard!"
"But he can walk on custard."

- Braniac

2) Currently listening/watching my latest purchase

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I just got through watching the trailer for Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. Oh...My god.

If you haven't seen it yet, get outta this blog right now and watch it on

Alright, time for spoilers:


Newcomers from, trailer:

Pit (Kid Icarus)
MetaKnight (Kirby)
Zero Suit Samus
And, the incredible shocker...Snake from MGS. I was dumbfounded.

1) "What a twist!"

- "M. Night Syamalan" from Robot Chicken

2) Currently listening to some Ben Folds stuff

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My 180 (My Correction)

In the 179 posts I've contributed so far, I have spelled words wrong so many times it's not funny. Here's the correction:



Last Friday's WS was a hoot, obviously. They had no money because they had been ripped off so much and they buy a bootleg of their show called Wondur Showzey and they start a war and the episode ends in the apocalypse. Great concept, huh?

12 days till no school. The elation grows quickly.

And other news. Have you seen any of the trailers for Mario Galaxy? Wow. Coolness ensues.

And other other news. Arrested Development Season 3 has been put back on the schedule! August 29, boy! 3 weeks after school starts.

Other other other news. 2 out of 4 of our fishies are deceased. They didn't eat for some reason. Maybe they had a suicide pact or something.

1) "Why don't we cooperate?"
"Cooperate? I'm gonna vomit blood!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently watching: Newsradio: Season 2

Saturday, May 6, 2006

My Record

So, my first post in May. And it's May the 6th. I apologize.

We got dad a DVR for his birthday. We've been using it alot.

Also, today, we got some fish. There weas some concern about the heater and the filter, but i think it's all good now. I named mine Sifl. Liz named her's Nemo, gag. I like that movie, but come on. It doesn't even look like him.

Anyway, Tom Hanks is hosting SNL tonite. His 8th time. Pretty cool. I hope tonight is the resurrection of Mr. Short Term Memory. Great skit.

1) "I went to a business seminar called "The Future is Now", guess what i learned, Dave."
"That the future really is now?"
"You got it!"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: Newsradio: Seasons 1 and 2