Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My 180 (My Correction)

In the 179 posts I've contributed so far, I have spelled words wrong so many times it's not funny. Here's the correction:



Last Friday's WS was a hoot, obviously. They had no money because they had been ripped off so much and they buy a bootleg of their show called Wondur Showzey and they start a war and the episode ends in the apocalypse. Great concept, huh?

12 days till no school. The elation grows quickly.

And other news. Have you seen any of the trailers for Mario Galaxy? Wow. Coolness ensues.

And other other news. Arrested Development Season 3 has been put back on the schedule! August 29, boy! 3 weeks after school starts.

Other other other news. 2 out of 4 of our fishies are deceased. They didn't eat for some reason. Maybe they had a suicide pact or something.

1) "Why don't we cooperate?"
"Cooperate? I'm gonna vomit blood!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently watching: Newsradio: Season 2

1 comment:

weas said...

Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Yoshi's Island 2...geez, it all looks so awesome! It's a great year to be a Mario fan!