Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Thrilling Sickness

No, I'm not sick again, but i almost was yesterday. Becasue...

Yesterday, we went to Carowinds! Oh, such fun, and oh, such lines.

We got there, Mom, Liz, and Aunt Nita who is visiting us until the 31st, went on Top Gun. That took a while, so we ate lunch afterwards. We ate at the Happy Days Diner, had what else but a burger and fries? Then we went on a water ride. It wasn't that exciting, but oh man, was the next ride. Mom, >iz, Nita abnd I went on the BORG Assimilator. We were scared, or at least i was, by the creepy BORG voice they used for it. The guy who did the voiceover rules on the microphone sounded really dorky, so we had to make fun. I was scared to go on it, and after the ride was finished, i was dizzy but it was amazing. I'm pretty much not scared of anything now. Rollercoaster wise. They made you lay down on your back and there were many a moment where you felt like you were going to fall out and land in the water.

The ride was spectacular, but i felt horribly sick after.

Then we got ice cream and then we waited forewver for another water ride but it got closed due to lightning so we left our glorious day at Carowinds. I only rode 2 rides, but the hour-long wait for the BORG was completely worth it.

1) "You put your black man in, you take your black man out, you lock your black man up, and you shake him all about. That's called the Honkey Pokey!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently listening to the sweet, sultry sounds of the furnace

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