Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Missed 7

You know something peculiar? In 2 of the 2 season of Wonderr Showzen so far, I've always missed the 7th episode. 107: Health, and 207: Mathematics. I missed 107 because They only raqn it once and then it got taken off, and 207 because we were watching something else at 9:30 and i thought it would be on at 12:30 for rerunnage and Punk'd was on instead, oh well. I'm recording it toonight, if it's on that is.

Today, me and mom went to Best Buy to get Scrubs: S3, it was completely sold out! I got the Invite Them Up 3 CD/1DVD set instead, it's pretty funny so far. It's a comedy festival type deal. Anyway, nt much else to say, I'm not doing anything this weekend.

Oh! In the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, i was sitting there, mom enters the vehicle, and the car won't start. The battery had beenm worn down by me. Oops. So, we got a jump from some nice people and we drove on home. Fun time, eh?

So, guess what? The girl i liked in Oregon has a boyfriend now who leaves commetns on her MySpace page that say "I love you" and stuff on 'em. I'm left insanely jealous. Even though she's across the country. Argh.

1) "As you can see, Jon Tickle can not walk on water."
"But i can walk on custard!"
"But he can walk on custard."

- Braniac

2) Currently listening/watching my latest purchase

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