Sunday, December 31, 2006

_____ of the Year Awards Pt. 3

TV Episodes of the year:

Lost (Live Together, Die Alone)
Arrested Development (Development Arrested)
24 (Season 5 finale)
The Office (The Convict)


Wii Sports
Gears of War (haven't played it though)
Guitar Hero II (in-store demos rule)

Wow Award:

Somebody gets shot over a PS3
Amerca's new obsession with hairless vaginas (Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan)
Jackass Number 2
K-Fed has an album

Well, that's about it. Good luck to those winners and losers in '07

Almost There (Again)

2006 is almost dead. It makes me kinda sad. This was an okay year for me. I loved it. Now it's leaving.

Time passes so effing quickly. I hate that it does. I wish i could go back and relive some stuff. But i can't. And it sucks.

1) "I'm so sorry that Poppy died. Can i get a quick show of hands of who's coming to my party tomight?"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently singing in-head: various selections fom Animusic 2

Saturday, December 30, 2006


That's what she said.

I asked someone out (i finally got my balls back) and she said yes.

God, i am so happy.

I am in the greatest mood. She might come over or we might walk around the mall and bother people. Whatever it is, it will probably be awesome. That is all.

1) "Didn't you send him an invitation?"
"Maybe it got "deleted!""

- SB Email (Labor Day)

2) cl2: microwave

3) Someone IM me: Deehomsarro2007

4) I just read the last Foxtrot daily strip. It was nice.

here it is

3 More Days

Until 2007.

I expect many great things in '07.

Spiderman 3
Shrek the Third
Moving back to Oregon

So, i hold my breath and wait for the new year.

Friday, December 29, 2006

He's Dead

Saddam. Enough said.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Postcards From 10 Miles Away

It seems my father really wants to move back to Oregon, and now i kind of agree. I had no idea of what was going on and now i do. But i just don't want to go through all of that hotel and car trip bullshit again. And i need to see if something works out by the time i leave. I need everyone of my friends here to swear they'll keep in touch with me and talk to me and all of that. If it wasn't for them, i would have no reason to live here. They helped me so much and i love them for it. They have no idea how much they mean to me.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

_____ Of The Year Awards Pt. 2

Bad news of the year:

James Brown
Wii-haul of wrist straps
PS3 = $600
Google + Youtube

Best videos of '06:

OK Go - Here it Goes Again

Boombox Blast:

White and Nerdy (shoo-in)

D*ick in a Box (Uncensored)

Good news of the year:

(not to be a Nintendo fanboy or anything of the sort, but the've had a rough go) - PS3 = $600
Wii browser free until June 2007
The Office Season 3 = 25 episodes
The Shins on SNL!!

Pt. 3 coming soon

None Anymore

I have no courage to ask somebody out now, 'cuz someody had to ruin it!

I'm just really bored. I still need to find someone to do anything with before the break ends. Somebody especially, but once again, i have no more courage. Someone call that wizard guy and take me to Oz.

1) "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. This is the part of the show were we all stare into the sun until we all go blind!"

- Al TV

2) Currently: Crane Wife 3-ing

Monday, December 25, 2006


Yep, we opened our beloved gifts last night and our stockings this morning. It was good times. Here's your list.

What I Got:

  1. The Crane Wife by The Decemberists (thanks Liz)
  2. Reno 911!: The Complete Third Season Uncensored! (It's a little better without bleeps)
  3. socks
  4. underwear
  5. A new hoodie! (Well, technically, a jacket, but who cares?)
  6. CD-R 10 pack
  7. Worms 3D (PS2)
  8. The Essential Klaus Nomi (those mofos over at ruined it. The case was incredibly destroyed and there was no padding in the box either, mom's filig a claim to UPS)


  1. Sweet Tarts
  2. shaving cream
  3. razor
  4. marichino cherries (hells yeah)
  5. candy cane
  6. Push Pop thingy
  7. ornament filled with candy beans
  8. gum

So, X-Mas was excellent for me, not.

We're about to go eat lunch or something to that effect. See ya later. I'll leave you with Christmas Dailies.

1) "He looks like a pink nightmare!"

- A Christmas Story

3) Currently about to rock around the Christmas tree.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Yeash, Already: The ______ Of The Year Awards!!!!!!

Alright, gang. Here we are, almost at the ver end of 2006. What a crazy year. Well, sort of.

Best Albums:

The Life Pursuit - Belle and Sebastian
Black Holes and Revelations - Muse
The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Yes, Virginia - Dresden Dolls
Sam's Town - The Killers
Straight Outta Lynwood - Weird Al Yankovic

Best TV:

The Office
Lost (Season 2 Finale)
Wonder Showzen (many attepmts to get canceled, Horse Apples)
SNL (strong improvement)
Arrested Development

Talladega Nights
Serenity (Again! Even though it was in 2005, i don't care)
Little Miss Sunshine
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Scum of the Year:
Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline

Part 2 on the way

The Day Before Tomorrow

Is Today, Christmas Eve.

I've been pushing the "each of us chooses what we do" idea to the clan, i haven't gotten a response exactly.

Well, I'll report tomorrow on what we did, what i got, and whatever else.

Until then, here are some Dailies and extra posts to tide you over. You'll probably see alot of these in the next few days, i'm trying for 300 before 2007.

1) "This song is for Jack White. And me. I dedicate this song to myself."

- Sufjan Stevens (Austin City Limits)

3) Currently shaking: boxes

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Only 2/ From Mr. Deeds On

More days i need to say?

And so starts the "argument" the family has every year: Do we open all prezzies on X-mas Eve or morning? I like opening them all on Eve, but Liz and Mom, i think, are hounding the X-Mas morning thing. We've opened them all on the 24th for 2 years now, and still we disagree.

This year, i could honestly care lees. I've decided that i don't care.

So, anyway, i still really need somebody to do something with for the break. My new semi-crush is elsewhere, so, nothing there. I'm desperate.

Also, we rented two movies yesterday, and we watched them both. Little Miss Sunshine and Click. Click was okay. LMS was excellent. I already wanna watch it again. It was very good. I encourage you to see it.

Has anybody noticed the declining quality in Adam Sandler's movies? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Deeds kinda sucked just a little. 50 First Dates, funny in parts. Sorry if you disagree, but yeah.

1) "What time is it?"
"3:00 in the afternoon."
"Oh, good. I thought i'd overslept."

- Black Adder

2) Currently about to play: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

3) Thought: "What if we're robots?"

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Longer Post

I know, these haven't been too long nowadays, so I'l try to stretch this one out.

You remember that incredibly subtle note i wrote about that friend of mine who i asked out and rejected me totally? I'm completely over that. We're till friends, and i like that. I have just faced the fact that i might never get a girlfriend and possibly die alone. That's all there is to it. Although, i do have alot of friends who are girls, so one of them is bound to like me. I shouldn't say that.

Not much is really going on in other fields. I sure wish they were. That would make things more exciting.

I really need to do something with somebody over the break. I am not kidding. I'm going to be very bored and mopey until i have somebody to do something with. Most of the people i wanna do stuff with are away in Texas or Sri Lanka or Mercury or something. It pisses me off, dammit!


Well, i saw the new Fall Out Boy video yesterday, it's full of hilarious inside jokes. It's actually a good video. And song. You know what? I'm starting to LIKE Fall Out Boy more and more.

1) "Where does a song come from? Inspirado."

- Tenacious D


3) Currently about to eat: Sonic Cheesecake Bites.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

(Mostly) Crih-Mih Videos


Digital Short:

Metalocalypse 120: The Metalocalypse Has Begun pt1 + 2:

The Shins Live:

(Teh Shins: Invadin' SNL 1-13-07. I screamed like a schoolgirl when i found out.)

Outkast cover (excellent):

Peter Griffin's Christmas Album:

Alright, enjoy.


Yes, gentle children, I'm off school until the 4th.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

No, Vella

I had to write a novella for Creative Writing, and i am so putting it on DeviantART. Go read it now.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

How Sad

I'm home!

The only thing i'm freaking out over is whether i'll be able to go to the drama club party tomorrow night. I rrlly wanna go. Gah.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My Nasal Area is Hurty as Hell, And I'm Not Gonna Take it Anymore!

Heehee, Network/UHF.

See, here's the thing. (We have to take our...clothes off! (so sexy)). [/Gym Class Heroes]

Anyway, here's what happened. Monday, the area around my eyebrows/nose started to hurt, like that sinus infection i got a couple of years ago came again. I think this time for revenge.

Because on Tuesday, it got hella worse. That's right, hella worse. It hurt, it really hurt.

Then today, i couldn't concentrate in English class. It just hurt really bad, and it still does, my friends. My fazha says we'll get me some medicine tonight, and maybe keep me home tomorrow. I am just sick of this, and i know something's wrong, this just doesn't happen for 3 straight days.

1) This is what scientists call "The hellawhack shiznit that goes on inside your brizzle.""

- Blue Man Group

2) currently listening to: The Last Polka by Ben Folds

Monday, December 4, 2006

Douse the Lights! (We Sure Are In For A Show Tonight) Pt. II

Well, it's all over. Here's a rundown from Wed. to Sun.

Wednesday: Rehearsal went well, blah blah blah

Thursday: Last rehearsal, good one too.

Friday: First show. The crowd was okay, my family came.

Saturday: The crowd was absolutely amazing, couldn't have had a better one. Mom taped the show, i met the guest director odf the next play.

Cast party: We went to Yesterday's and I messed up Avery's gay jeans. He might kill me. Afterwards, Andi gave me a ride home. Oh her...

Sunday: Good show, bad crowd. That's all.

1) "Dat guy would be da belle of da ball."

- The Office (US) (long story)

2) CL2: Cindy by Tammany Hall NYC

Friday, December 1, 2006

Almost There

The play is in approx. 2 hrs. and 49 min. away. Freakinnnnnnnnnnng outtttt!

'Kay Bye.