Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My Nasal Area is Hurty as Hell, And I'm Not Gonna Take it Anymore!

Heehee, Network/UHF.

See, here's the thing. (We have to take our...clothes off! (so sexy)). [/Gym Class Heroes]

Anyway, here's what happened. Monday, the area around my eyebrows/nose started to hurt, like that sinus infection i got a couple of years ago came again. I think this time for revenge.

Because on Tuesday, it got hella worse. That's right, hella worse. It hurt, it really hurt.

Then today, i couldn't concentrate in English class. It just hurt really bad, and it still does, my friends. My fazha says we'll get me some medicine tonight, and maybe keep me home tomorrow. I am just sick of this, and i know something's wrong, this just doesn't happen for 3 straight days.

1) This is what scientists call "The hellawhack shiznit that goes on inside your brizzle.""

- Blue Man Group

2) currently listening to: The Last Polka by Ben Folds

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