Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Longer Post

I know, these haven't been too long nowadays, so I'l try to stretch this one out.

You remember that incredibly subtle note i wrote about that friend of mine who i asked out and rejected me totally? I'm completely over that. We're till friends, and i like that. I have just faced the fact that i might never get a girlfriend and possibly die alone. That's all there is to it. Although, i do have alot of friends who are girls, so one of them is bound to like me. I shouldn't say that.

Not much is really going on in other fields. I sure wish they were. That would make things more exciting.

I really need to do something with somebody over the break. I am not kidding. I'm going to be very bored and mopey until i have somebody to do something with. Most of the people i wanna do stuff with are away in Texas or Sri Lanka or Mercury or something. It pisses me off, dammit!


Well, i saw the new Fall Out Boy video yesterday, it's full of hilarious inside jokes. It's actually a good video. And song. You know what? I'm starting to LIKE Fall Out Boy more and more.

1) "Where does a song come from? Inspirado."

- Tenacious D


3) Currently about to eat: Sonic Cheesecake Bites.

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