Saturday, December 23, 2006

Only 2/ From Mr. Deeds On

More days i need to say?

And so starts the "argument" the family has every year: Do we open all prezzies on X-mas Eve or morning? I like opening them all on Eve, but Liz and Mom, i think, are hounding the X-Mas morning thing. We've opened them all on the 24th for 2 years now, and still we disagree.

This year, i could honestly care lees. I've decided that i don't care.

So, anyway, i still really need somebody to do something with for the break. My new semi-crush is elsewhere, so, nothing there. I'm desperate.

Also, we rented two movies yesterday, and we watched them both. Little Miss Sunshine and Click. Click was okay. LMS was excellent. I already wanna watch it again. It was very good. I encourage you to see it.

Has anybody noticed the declining quality in Adam Sandler's movies? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Deeds kinda sucked just a little. 50 First Dates, funny in parts. Sorry if you disagree, but yeah.

1) "What time is it?"
"3:00 in the afternoon."
"Oh, good. I thought i'd overslept."

- Black Adder

2) Currently about to play: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

3) Thought: "What if we're robots?"

1 comment:

weas said...

I completely agree about Adam Sandler movies. Happy Gilmore was pretty darn good, and so was Little Nicky, but everything since then just hasn't lived up.

"Popeye's Chicken is freakin' awesome."