Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Sometimes people make mixtapes, for others, and they have a song that they use for every one that they make. My secret weapon? Fingertips by They Might Be Giants. It has proved success 2 out of thw 3 times i've used it. I say 2 because i have no idea what the third one thinks. I should ask...Hmm...Shoot...

I still can't stop listening to it. I need to enter Shin-rehab. Somebody save me. No, i'll probably be off of it in a few weeks.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a bad weather day. We'll see...We might have a delayed start.

This is to one person who might not be reading this, but i don't care.

I'm so sorry. I know i probably came on too strong and a little pathetic. I know i did. There's no going back and changing it. I know i'm an idiot, too. I'm just sorry, and i want to leave on the best of terms with you. I think you're awesome. Just know that.

Alright, i'm done with that. Bye-ty Bye!

1) "Well, hello there, chocolate cake!"

- Strong Badathlon

2) CL2: Australia by The Shins

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