Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Foe Toes

Here they are, if you want to see them.

Holy Crap, What a Bargain.

We went to Goodwill, the library and the store today. "We" meaning me and mom.

Goodwill: We went looking for a lamp, a microwave and fancy clothes for dad. We found the first two. The microwave cost us only $7, and it works. All i can say is: WOOOOO!

library: i got my new card. That's it.

Store: we got alot of things. Lemme tell ya. Wow. There was so much stuff, we had to put it in the back seat of the car. Woo.

That's it. I only wanted to mention the 7-dollar microwave.

See ya's.

In-Depth Comprehensive Reportation! Pt. 2

And so, we were standing there. Occasionally, roadies came and did sound checks. Then Durty came out and introduced Cobra Starship. The Cobra started with Keep it Simple, which was awesome. As was Send My Love To The Dancefloor, I'll See You in Hell and Church of Hot Addiction. They closed with Snakes on a Plane, for which they had Beckett from TAI come out and do vocals. They were really good.

Then next was Paul Wall, he was alright. I didn't really care to much for it, but i could stand it. He threw out grills and t-shirts. He also said "what it do?" alot.

Up next was The Academy Is..., who opened with The Phrase That Pays. They also did Neighbors, which was awesome. And We've Got a Big Mess on Our Hands was really good too. I think they ended with Checkmarks, but i forgot.

Then +44 came on. I'm pretty sure they opened with Lycanthrope. I have no idea, but all their songs kind of sound the same. Anyway, they did a cover of Rock Show by Blink 182, and they closed with a rocking When Your Heart Stops Beating. Plus, Mark Hoppus between songs was hilarious.

Then, the main event. As soon as +44 stopped playing, people were pushing and shoving to get to the front, but we pretty much stayed where we started. The first song they played was Thriller, which was amazing. They played all their singles except for Dead on Arrival. Of All the Gin Joints in All the World was really good. So was Dance, Dance, Sugar We're Going Down, and their cover of Beat It. During the Carpal Tunnel of Love, they played the Happy Tree Friends video in the background. Then, Andy did his drum solo, which was awesome. Then, Durty got some kid to throw baseballs at his chest, and he got a poster, signed in blood. The pyrotechnics of the show were really good, and Liz and i could feel the heat from the fire.

Then, it ended with huge amounts of confetti in the air. That was also awesome.

So, we got out, headed to the drinking fountain, then the security guy told us that if we weren't waiting for something, we were supposed to leave. A-hole.

So, we left, waited for mom, looked at the pictures we took. Some turned out really great, others...well, they were obscured by people. People and their hands...

I'm about to upload the pictures and put them on Facebook/Myspace, so, i'll give you the link to those. In the meantime, later.

1) "Did you guys like that band, "Cornhole Starfish?"

- Mark Hoppus

2) cl2 - random stuff (Winamp)

Friday, June 29, 2007

In-Depth Comprehensive Reportation! Pt. 1

I'm sitting here, and not 1 hour ago, the Honda Civic Tour show ended with an amazing rendition of "Saturday" by Fall Out Boy.

The day started with me and Liz getting dropped of at the train station to go to Mom's work. We got there, and i took my shot. We went to the convenience store across the street and i got a Moon Pie, a Diet Coke, and a ham and cheese sandwich that tasted like anything but. Liz got Red Vines and M&Ms, which i had alot of.

Then we got to the Rose Garden, sat for a while and talked, then everyone was gathering to the door, we followed and we were let into the arena shortly after. We got out tickets punched and our wrist bracelets put on, and we looked for our entrance. We found out, then it was a mad dash to the closest spot towards the stage, and we got a pretty good spot. And then we waited...

Pt. 2 tomorrow

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Only in Dreams Will This Happen To Me

I had the worst dream a few days ago. It was one of those "wake up crying" dreams. It was possibly the most horrible dream I've ever had. It was just awful.

I've come to the realization that my podcast won't be that cool with just me there, because it'll just be me talking to myself. Which is crazy. No, wit! I'll have people email me questions! Breaking news at this hour! e-mail your questions to Yay! I figured it out. Feel good for me.

1) "My brother has ADD, which is weird, because he drives a Ford Focus."

- Zach Galafianakis

2) cl2: The Tain - The Decemberists

Monday, June 25, 2007

For Substantial Gore/Violence Throughout

Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating

Pawed Cassed Pt. 2

The first episode of my podcast, Darren's Things, Stuff and Obects, is up at So yeah, go there and take a listen.

It'll be up on ITunes when i figure out how to put it up. It's a long, complicated process for people like me.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pawed Cassed

My podcast starts tomorrow. I'm going to give you more deets tomorrow.

'Twill be awesome.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I Hate

People who wear their baseball caps backwards, which I'm doing right now.

I hate people who call hats "caps".

I hate people who think having liquor in their Myspace pictures makes them cool.

I hate people who say things about you behind your back, while you can hear, and when you confront them about it, they totally deny it.

I hate anybody who lists "anything on MTV" as their favorite music.

I hate people who can't spell.

I hate people who give guys BJs on swingsets.

I hate people who hang out with said people.

I hate people who are found with drugs and are kicked off the cheerleading team, and then tries out for the next year.

Almost all of these describe Lauren Gaffin. You'd not believe how much she's done. She's such an idiot. Everyone, and i mean everyone i know, hates her.

This post had no point whatsoever.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Nina Conti and Monk

Very funny stuff. it.

Completely Bored Beyond All Recognition

CBBAR. That decribes the exact state i'm currently in. I'm just sitting here, doing absolutely nothing, with nobody. It's horrible. I have nobody to hang out with and it's getting ridiculous.

And also, some perverted little insect has decided to bite me near my tail bone, and now it hurts when i sit down. I'm now going to start the "Down with the insects" campaign.

7 Days til HCT (Honda Civic Tour). Indeed. Cobra Starship, +44, The Academy Is..., Fall Out Boy and, surprisingly, Paul Wall. Let's hopw me and Liz get a spot up close and Paul'll accidentally spit his grill out and we'll sell it on Ebay. Hee AcciDENTAL. I'm a genius.

I need a new computer microphone. I'm going to start my own podcast, and i kinda need something to record it with. I would use the webcam mic, but the webcam CD seems to be absolutely nowhere. And it's horrible.


1) "Do you ever stop it?"

- Junebug (awesome movie)

2) Currently about to listen to: my favorite Shins songs.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Yes. Indeed.

Colin forgets the words

Fountains of Wayne - Someone to Love

Race War

Hey! That's How Many Days Are in a Year!

This is my 365th post. I actually think it's about time. What with the 2 moves and all. I mean, god.

Wow, hat once again, is all.

1) "There's no relationship."

- Flight of the Conchords

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oh Yeah...Hey.

I got back from my cousin's house yesterday morning. So, yeah. Wow. I think that's it. Or maybe i just don't wanna type alot. You decide.

1) "I broke my baby finger."

- On The Edge

2) just watched today: Jawbreaker

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Never Settle

Well, we found a house, got the key (which actually took quite a long time), drove the truck over to it, and loaded boxes into it all day yesterday. We got some furniture from my grandparents. A coffee table, a recliner, and a couple of beds. Also, a computer desk, and a chair for said desk, which i'm currently sitting at.

I'm n our computer, waiting 20 minutes for one page to load. All we have is dialup at the moment. Our DSL kit is being mailed, and our DirecTV guy is coming over tomorrow morning, and we have everything put into our name now, so we have everything set up. But not really.

There's still boxes strewn about the house. It looks pretty horrible.

So, to all ymy friends in SC, who's gonna fly out and visit me first? Bahhhhhahaha. Someone do it, so i'm not lonely here. I need to get a hold of my old friends pretty soon, and we'll totes hang. Hopefully.

1) "There's gonna be nobody there!"
"My family's gonna be there, Jerri."
"I mean, no one of my species."

- Strangers With Candy

2) cl2: The End by My Chemical Romance

Monday, June 11, 2007

Still Watiting

We still don't have any signs of a new house. Actually, that's alie. We have 1 potential. And we still need to look at some more in the Hilhi area.

I guess i can't think of anything else. Just a quick update on the deets of the situation.

1) "Day 1. Finish toothpaste project. I thinkmi'll call it my Toothpaste Spectacular!"

- Sifl and Olly

Saturday, June 9, 2007

From All Degrees

Oh, and i forgot, that last post was my 360th. Pretty special.

I realized that's somewhat of a strange conincidence. Like, it's sort of a full circle, and i'm back in my home state, or something. I can't help but feel a little freaked out and scred. Bahahahahaha. I kid. Superstition is for weirdies.

Live...From a Computer in Gaston, OR...

Here i am, sitting at my grandmother's computer, typing away my innermost thoughts.

Why my grandmother's? A-because...we haven't found us a house yet.

The first day, or should i say, night, we drove to the edge of Columbia, and stayed in the very same Motel 6 we did when we moved there.

News flash: I hate hate hate hate hate Motel 6.

They just don't know how to do anything.

We saw an array of relatives. In Kansas and Colorado. Including um...I think it's my mom's uncle Earl. There aren't any words to describe that man. Just...alot of negative adjectives, i guess.

The driving took a while. After a day or two, it really felt like weeks. It was outrageous. I manned the radio in the truck the last 2 days, and then, we just showed up here. We ate the at Round Table in Hillsboro, and from there we headed to the house. It felt so weird last night, and it still does.

But, i'm finally home, as it were. We're finally home, and it already feels good.

1) "Did someone say something about cheese? Did you or did you not? Because if someone's making a cheese run, holla at me, dog!"

- Scrubs

2) Currently whistling - The Tain - The Decemberists