Saturday, June 9, 2007

Live...From a Computer in Gaston, OR...

Here i am, sitting at my grandmother's computer, typing away my innermost thoughts.

Why my grandmother's? A-because...we haven't found us a house yet.

The first day, or should i say, night, we drove to the edge of Columbia, and stayed in the very same Motel 6 we did when we moved there.

News flash: I hate hate hate hate hate Motel 6.

They just don't know how to do anything.

We saw an array of relatives. In Kansas and Colorado. Including um...I think it's my mom's uncle Earl. There aren't any words to describe that man. Just...alot of negative adjectives, i guess.

The driving took a while. After a day or two, it really felt like weeks. It was outrageous. I manned the radio in the truck the last 2 days, and then, we just showed up here. We ate the at Round Table in Hillsboro, and from there we headed to the house. It felt so weird last night, and it still does.

But, i'm finally home, as it were. We're finally home, and it already feels good.

1) "Did someone say something about cheese? Did you or did you not? Because if someone's making a cheese run, holla at me, dog!"

- Scrubs

2) Currently whistling - The Tain - The Decemberists

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