Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The (Cast) List

Twas posted outside the door a few days ago. My name was on it. It was...the greatest.

What part did i get? i don't know. We will see.

The initial meeting is tomorrow. We will find out there.

1) "There's a cello in your house now."

- Rocket Science

2) still haven't listened to: All of One Cell in the Sea by A Fine Frenzy

Sunday, February 24, 2008

1.5-2 Things About to Kill My Social Life

As The Iron Giant plays on HBO, i think about how just sitting at home, doing nothing is beginning it's end. Why? I'll sure the heck tell you why!

1) the freaking play: Rehearsals will be Monday through Thursday at 5:45. If I'm casted, which, come on, is a big possibility.

2) Portland Teen Idol: Auditions are in 6 days, and woo, i might get in. I mean, it's not American Idol, and I think i can sing alright. If i don't get in though, it's not really a big deal. It's not my "dream" anyway.

Aight, that's...it.

Ooo...i ordered new glasses yesterday. Finally. They're gonna look kamazing. Did i mention i'm say "kamazing" now? Yeah, i am.

I should also mention that i'm glad the Independent Spirit Awards exist. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to see Rainn Wilson and Phillip Seymour Hoffman wrestling. Or see people forgetting how to read. It's the greatest.

And the Oscies are on tonight. So...woo-e for that one.

Saturday Night Live was finally new last night, and it was great. I cannot wait until; the next onw. Ellen Page and Wilco! Eeee.


- I Drink Your Milkshake (SNL)

Monday, February 18, 2008

From an Elevator


Bloody Sundae

President's Day 2008 for me? Not the best.

We were going to get new glasses! But wait...something's wrong. I don't REALY know what, but it is, so we don't get them today. Nice try though!

Also, drama llama is visiting town again. It will blow over, but no one knows how soon.

And i saw Jumper. Not a very good movie.

But, i had a sundae just now, so everything's fune.

School tomorrow's going to be...great?

1) "Lincoln's a chick!"

- Rocket Science

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Second Weak

Thursday Guys and Dolls: Really good. We were all expecting it to be awful. Since Tuesday in front of the sixth graders was. We chalked that up to it being morning and having a weekend to forget everything and stupid little kids. At least i did. But Thursday was great. Truly.

Fridau: Went to Red Robin after. Leah and Sam sang on helim. People speaking on helium never ceases to get me into laughing fits. Liz came to the show, and it was an 0kay night.

Saturday: It was breought to our attention by the people who went to see Century's matinee of Greae that they had posted a sign reading "Spear the Sparts", those immature bastards. So, we chose to dominate our closing performance. And we did. It was our best night. And the cast party afterwards was amazing. Honest. I lurved it.

Tonight: I watched Rocket Science, cuz we rented it at Blockbuster. It was pretty good. So, yayzers.

No school tomorrow. Also, yay.

1) "I just don't know what to do anymore."
"This is the girl's room...so..."

- Rocket Science

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

FAWMing Over You

Go to fawm.org. Search for my name. I joined, and have posted 6 songs so far.

OK, whatever, bye.

Forget Valentine's Day Shows!

So, we did our musical in fron tof stupid tiny children today.

It sucked a big fat rock.

About 60% of the cast was sick, and that includes me. I went to bed coughing, and i woke up nearly dying. There was grossness all over me, and i only went to school for the play. I called my dad after and he picked me up.

I had an O and M lesson tonight, and we were going to a movie. Dammit! I coulda seen National Treasure! Meh, s'okay.

A bunch of people want the show for Thursday canceled. We're all too sick, and if it doesn't improve by tomorrow, i don't know what we're going to do.

I don't know why we did it in front of sixth graders anyway. They're stupid and don't laugh at crap. Hee, crap...

1) "He sounded pale."
"How do you sound pale?"
"I don't know. But he did sound a bit feverish."

- Psych

2) currently waiting for: American Idol

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The First 2

Guys and Dolls week 1 Wrap-up.

Friday: It was really nice. The fam came except for Liz, who had to work. Ben and Sam were very sick. Ben was passing out, and throwing up, and Sam was also doing the latter. Ben called in sick to work, and Sam had to go. We'll tell you more about that later. We went to Red Robin afterwards. Ariel took me, and we blasted "Without Love" from Hairspray on the way. Her, Sam and I ordered water, because we were dirt poor, and then we left before we got it.

Saturday: Also nice. We were told Saturday crowds were really dead, but this one wasn't. Mom, her friend and my aunt came. Sam was feeling a little better. Ben had a 101 degree fever. Also, his boss made him go to work this morning. Sam had to go to a meeting earlier that day, and he threw up in one of the theaters, and they sent him home. We went to Shari's after, because Red Robin had a 46 day wait. Our waitress was a freaking jerk. She really was. It was obnoxious. I also leanred we're doing the play for Mentor Bridge. Woo...woo.

So, Thursday's comin' up. On...Thursday.

1) "We know what it happened, we just need to know why. Which reminds me, Gus. When are you getting us tickets to the Who?"

- Psych

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here Be One'a Dem Blogz Again

So, the play has suddenly grabbed my life by the neck and is dragging it around.

Dress rehearsals have been going all week. I think it's beginning to feel like a play, in the week we're doing it.

Well, if you can, come see it.

Feb. 8, 9, 14, 15, 16
Hilhi Theatre
7:30 PM
$7 for students, $8 for adults
Treats on the 14th.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Besiegin' the Region

Regional Acting Competition was today at Hilhi. We hosted many schools. I don't know the exact total, but it was alot. I worked as a timer for performances from 9 to 5. If the scene ran past 4 minutes and 30 seconds, i hold the red card up. and it lets them know they have 30 seconds until time is up. 5:00 was their limit, but they had a 15-second grave period. at 5:15, they have to immediately stop.

I got a ride to the school from Ben. It was snowing when i walked outside. On a Saturday, when school is not involved. Whatever, wheather.

We got to the school, and met other people there. We waited for more workers and schools, and then we had the short, 5-minute welcome assembly. Then we were released.

I went to LA5, my favorite room in the Language Arts building (Mr. Halloman!). First round was monologues. Those were pretty good.

Next was duo scenes. Those were okay. I had to stop one pair. It made me feel like a big jerk. But, them's the rules.

Then monologues again. This group was really good.

Then duos again. Really good.

Then, lunch. We didn't want the monstrously expensive food the school was serving, so Ben, Spencer and I went to Carl's Jr.

When we got back for the 2 o'clock round, it was again monologues. Really REALLY good.

Duos: pretty good

Mnologues: goooood

Duos: It was the first group i saw again, so...nothing new.

I stayed in the same room, so i didn't get any music, or i didn't see anyone from our school's scene.

But, there was this one guy. He was really really good in everything he did. He and this other dude did a scene from Assassins. I now want to see this realy badly. And some other bloke did a monologue from some play called Talk Radio. I want to see this really bad too.

It was a nice day.

Friday, February 1, 2008

15 Minutes

...Can change everything. In the course of fifteen simple minute4s, you can feel the exact opposite emotion you were feeling before.

I don't know why this happened, but it makes me me sick to my stomach. It makes me shake down to my very core. It cracks my foundation.

This day has turned me inside-out.

I just don't know what to say. And no, i don't want to talk about it.

But, we'll get through this. We're strong as hell, and together we're invincible.