Sunday, February 10, 2008

The First 2

Guys and Dolls week 1 Wrap-up.

Friday: It was really nice. The fam came except for Liz, who had to work. Ben and Sam were very sick. Ben was passing out, and throwing up, and Sam was also doing the latter. Ben called in sick to work, and Sam had to go. We'll tell you more about that later. We went to Red Robin afterwards. Ariel took me, and we blasted "Without Love" from Hairspray on the way. Her, Sam and I ordered water, because we were dirt poor, and then we left before we got it.

Saturday: Also nice. We were told Saturday crowds were really dead, but this one wasn't. Mom, her friend and my aunt came. Sam was feeling a little better. Ben had a 101 degree fever. Also, his boss made him go to work this morning. Sam had to go to a meeting earlier that day, and he threw up in one of the theaters, and they sent him home. We went to Shari's after, because Red Robin had a 46 day wait. Our waitress was a freaking jerk. She really was. It was obnoxious. I also leanred we're doing the play for Mentor Bridge. Woo...woo.

So, Thursday's comin' up. On...Thursday.

1) "We know what it happened, we just need to know why. Which reminds me, Gus. When are you getting us tickets to the Who?"

- Psych

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