Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Forget Valentine's Day Shows!

So, we did our musical in fron tof stupid tiny children today.

It sucked a big fat rock.

About 60% of the cast was sick, and that includes me. I went to bed coughing, and i woke up nearly dying. There was grossness all over me, and i only went to school for the play. I called my dad after and he picked me up.

I had an O and M lesson tonight, and we were going to a movie. Dammit! I coulda seen National Treasure! Meh, s'okay.

A bunch of people want the show for Thursday canceled. We're all too sick, and if it doesn't improve by tomorrow, i don't know what we're going to do.

I don't know why we did it in front of sixth graders anyway. They're stupid and don't laugh at crap. Hee, crap...

1) "He sounded pale."
"How do you sound pale?"
"I don't know. But he did sound a bit feverish."

- Psych

2) currently waiting for: American Idol

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