Saturday, February 2, 2008

Besiegin' the Region

Regional Acting Competition was today at Hilhi. We hosted many schools. I don't know the exact total, but it was alot. I worked as a timer for performances from 9 to 5. If the scene ran past 4 minutes and 30 seconds, i hold the red card up. and it lets them know they have 30 seconds until time is up. 5:00 was their limit, but they had a 15-second grave period. at 5:15, they have to immediately stop.

I got a ride to the school from Ben. It was snowing when i walked outside. On a Saturday, when school is not involved. Whatever, wheather.

We got to the school, and met other people there. We waited for more workers and schools, and then we had the short, 5-minute welcome assembly. Then we were released.

I went to LA5, my favorite room in the Language Arts building (Mr. Halloman!). First round was monologues. Those were pretty good.

Next was duo scenes. Those were okay. I had to stop one pair. It made me feel like a big jerk. But, them's the rules.

Then monologues again. This group was really good.

Then duos again. Really good.

Then, lunch. We didn't want the monstrously expensive food the school was serving, so Ben, Spencer and I went to Carl's Jr.

When we got back for the 2 o'clock round, it was again monologues. Really REALLY good.

Duos: pretty good

Mnologues: goooood

Duos: It was the first group i saw again, so...nothing new.

I stayed in the same room, so i didn't get any music, or i didn't see anyone from our school's scene.

But, there was this one guy. He was really really good in everything he did. He and this other dude did a scene from Assassins. I now want to see this realy badly. And some other bloke did a monologue from some play called Talk Radio. I want to see this really bad too.

It was a nice day.

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