Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We Are Pioneers

On Friday, i recieved a phone call from Ben. He tells me that him, Kelsey and Peter are going to downtown Portland on Monday. And he needed me. Yeahhhh. And also they were going to Kelsey's house to rehearse and work out exactly what we were going to do. Rehearse what? Well, the plan was to go downtown and film us just doing stupid stuff. So, we practiced and talked about what we going to do.

We met on Monday morning at the MAX station. Kelsey's bro Spencer was the cameraman. We boarded, and talked about stuff. We got to Pioneer Place, and entered. Our first activity: Kelsey must drag herself across the floor, as if that's her way of getting around. She couldn't do it without smiling, so Ben did. After that, it was about 1:00, so we all ate. And by all i mean Peter, Ben and Spencer. After eating, we went around to perform our next task. But while doing that, we saw a guy with a vacuum...he looked like a ghostbuster. We followed him and sang the theme siong to Ghostbusters. Then we did random other things. Such as walking along that blue path thing, carrying me in a sheet into American Eagle, pretending to hurl over the escalator into the fountain. One of our skits involved dancing like crazy mofos on the skybridge. We did, and at one point Ben was sexy dancing with Peter, and some guy walked by and went "Yeah! Get it!" it was amazing.

We exited the mall, and roamed the streets and did other things. Played hockey with Dollar Tree sticks and balls, not pucks. We ran down the street, prompting some guy to yell, "Go! Go! Go!" We were stopped by a guy with a clipboard, who asked us a question, which is our qoute today. Ben, Spencer and I put on sheets and other things, and pretenndeed we were a cult, chanting and singing weird things. People started singing with us, and called me Harry Potter! Although it could've been Spencer. After that we walked to PSU after taking the street car. We saw some people proteesting fur at some store. Ben and i satrted dancing to their song. "Hey hey! Ho ho! [something] furs have got to go!" They asked us to cross the street and join them and get some info, but we declined. We sat on a bench and talked about some things for a while. We took the MAX to the Rose Garden for our finale. We ran through the fountain things there for about 15 minutes. We hopped back on the MAX home. And we ended the day. We ended almost the funnest day ever.

1) "Why such small sticks?"
"They were only a dollar."
"Where's the puck?"
"Mother Nature's the puck."
"Mother Nature's the puck. That's the best line i've ever heard."

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