Thursday, July 31, 2008

Put On Your Shoes, Kids!

You're not doing anything today!

At least that's what i believe.

More on this dilemma later, if it actually exists.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Baked Goods

In the third part of my fair story trilogy, let's examine the aftermath of one sunny afternoon.

I had applied sunscreen before i left, even the "trouble areas." Meaning the back of my neck. This did not succeed, as i had a wicked sunburn there for four days.

I had to walk around in shirts that wouldn't touch my back, or no shirt at all. I never went outside

And now i'm peeling like crazy. But i can wear normal person shirts now! Halle freaking lujah.

I want my schedule! People are getting them already, and i waaaaaant mine. Meh. It's no fairs.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thrilling Heroics

Let me tell you a story. An epic of sorts. This takes place on last Thursday.

A normal day at the fair. Full of farm animals and fried and frozen treats. This story is about a young man, a young man who is too afraid to get sick and waits for other people on rides.

This boy, stood there with his girlfriend's purse at his feet. He shielded his eyes from the hot, global warming-cured sun. All of aa sudden, he heard a noise. A buzzing noise.

With his shaded eyes, he saw the black figure flying in front of his face. There it was. Flying, buzzing, flying, buzzing. Feeling quite pathetic and freaked out, he swung his open palm, and struck the insect across the face. The creature fell, assumingly to his or her death.

The end.

Guys...i smacked a bug in it's dirty bitch face. I'm so cool, it's not even funny.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fare Away

So, i went on an adventure to the fair on Thursday. And this is a report on it. Really? I do those? Yes...yes i do. Here it is.

I awoke at 8:45 in the morning. I met the party 9:30. We skedaddled on over after that. We hung, rode rides, ate, drank, sno-coned. And i'm doing it again this Friday! Friday! Friday! Actually, no, i'm not. I'm going to Oaks Park again for my mom's company picnic. Again. Yehhhhhhahhh! Free popcorn/cotton candy!

Spaced came out on DVD. I want it. I WANT it. I'll be lost without it. Honestly.

1) "Oh! Look at my wrist! I have to go."

- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (4th Act is planned! Holy eff!)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

But You Weren't Hoooonest

Liz comes back home today. We pick her up at 9:30-ish? That's when the plane lands. So...yeah. It's been a long couple of weeks.

So, my life has not been the most eventful the past few days. Is that my fault? No. I realized i wanna do alot of stuff though. Like learning how to ride a bike and learning piano and becoming famous and getting a job. Oh god. That's alot of work. But...i can do it?

I don't really know why i haven't been posting much lately. I mean, i'm doing stuff still. Am i too lazy? Do i just not care? Is the blog dying in front of my face? Eh, probably. Maybe a title change will make me motivated. It'll be...what, my third? Geeze, alot of questions in this post.

1) "When the fans found out there was going to be a movie, they were angry? Oh that's not the word? They were happy!"

- Joss Whedon

2) currently wanting to own like crazy crazy crazy - Spaced: The Complete Series

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sometimes You Win...

The shins on Yo Gabba Gabba!

That Was Something to Shout About

I haven't posted in 10 days! Merrrrhhh, sorry.

The truth? Nothing's happening. Nothing too fun. I saw Foo Fighters the other week, and that's the funnest thing in a while.

Mom's company picnic coming up, and then Weird Al at the fair. Liz's been gone, i've been bored. Not entirely bored though, so...that's good.

Ben took me to Ikea the other day. It's pretty cool. Go.


1) "What are you doing?"
"Texting. It's important, or i would stop."

- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

2) please go to:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Just Wanna Feel Attrac...tive...Today.

I feel gross today. I needsa shower.

Liz leaves tomorrow for South Carolina. And i'm seeing Foo Fighters. And then Friday, i'm also busy. I'm available today though!

Eh, whatev. This isn't working out for you and me. I'm gonna end this post. I can't think.

1) "Now do you see why i'm so FUCKING ANGRY?"
"Fuck yeah!"

- Shaun of the Dead

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Life Lesson Told in Six Words

Don't trust people you don't know.

Alright, so this is a post about anyone, it could be anyone. [Lily Allen (have you heard her new stuff? it's great.)/]

The plan this morning was to go to the zoo. Deja, her brother and their friends from wherever were going, Oh...wait, did i say plan? Far from it.

No specific time was set, so it ended with with me getting called at about 8:45 asking if i could be at the MAX stop at 9. Seeing as dad wasn't up and about yet, and i needed money, I asked if 9:30 was possible, to which i heard a flat-out "no." by strangers on the other end. so...the idea was shot down like a fighter jet in the American Revolution. (Get it? 'Cuz they weren't...nevermind.)

I suppose i'm over it now. It's just that i haven't gone to the zoo, just for the zoo in a long time, and then going with possible new friends? Cool. But nahhh. This brings me to another point:

A sincere thanks to the Minus Ones. Minus Ones? Those are what, exactly? Well, sometimes, in a fit of anger one would exclaim "Screw them all!" Even thought they might not mean all of them in that group. The oners that aren't being "screwed" are what i call Minus Ones. The people that are still good, and haven't burned you in any way. And they aren't guilty by association to the Screwees.

Watched Moulin Rouge for the million billionth time last night. I still cried, and i realized i forgot how fantastic that movie was, And still is. If you still haven't seen it, go fuck yourselves, San Diego.

Funding for the post was provided by the Minus Ones Foundation, and contributions from Viewers Like You. Thank you.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A 4th

Huh. Yesterday. Let's begin with the night before.

My friend Mike called and asked me if he could come over, and if he could bring Ben. So, he came, but Ben didn't, was just us.

The night started with watching half of Jeopardy! and then me eating dinner. We had a plan after i ate to go for a walk to our friend Mark's house. Mike called Mark, he didn't pick up. So, then our plan was to walk to Deja's and tell her we were walking to Mark's. So...we did that.

We got there, hung out for a while, then walked to the Esplenade. We went to the Dollar Tree and Target, because they were closing, then back to her house. He hung out hour? Then Mike and I went back to Safeway and got drinks. Instead of the S and S Mart by my house. Then we walked back to the house, and passed out.

The next morning was the 4th of July Parade. A family tradition. Deja and her pesky, apex of annoying brother were there, 'cos i told them to be. Although, he wasn't too bad. So, that went on and about, and then the fam plus Sam went back home, then to my aunt's house for lunch. It was just a tiny bit cramped, but it was still fun.

And we adopted our new cat. Koben/Smokey. More on her in the coming...times.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We Are Pioneers

On Friday, i recieved a phone call from Ben. He tells me that him, Kelsey and Peter are going to downtown Portland on Monday. And he needed me. Yeahhhh. And also they were going to Kelsey's house to rehearse and work out exactly what we were going to do. Rehearse what? Well, the plan was to go downtown and film us just doing stupid stuff. So, we practiced and talked about what we going to do.

We met on Monday morning at the MAX station. Kelsey's bro Spencer was the cameraman. We boarded, and talked about stuff. We got to Pioneer Place, and entered. Our first activity: Kelsey must drag herself across the floor, as if that's her way of getting around. She couldn't do it without smiling, so Ben did. After that, it was about 1:00, so we all ate. And by all i mean Peter, Ben and Spencer. After eating, we went around to perform our next task. But while doing that, we saw a guy with a vacuum...he looked like a ghostbuster. We followed him and sang the theme siong to Ghostbusters. Then we did random other things. Such as walking along that blue path thing, carrying me in a sheet into American Eagle, pretending to hurl over the escalator into the fountain. One of our skits involved dancing like crazy mofos on the skybridge. We did, and at one point Ben was sexy dancing with Peter, and some guy walked by and went "Yeah! Get it!" it was amazing.

We exited the mall, and roamed the streets and did other things. Played hockey with Dollar Tree sticks and balls, not pucks. We ran down the street, prompting some guy to yell, "Go! Go! Go!" We were stopped by a guy with a clipboard, who asked us a question, which is our qoute today. Ben, Spencer and I put on sheets and other things, and pretenndeed we were a cult, chanting and singing weird things. People started singing with us, and called me Harry Potter! Although it could've been Spencer. After that we walked to PSU after taking the street car. We saw some people proteesting fur at some store. Ben and i satrted dancing to their song. "Hey hey! Ho ho! [something] furs have got to go!" They asked us to cross the street and join them and get some info, but we declined. We sat on a bench and talked about some things for a while. We took the MAX to the Rose Garden for our finale. We ran through the fountain things there for about 15 minutes. We hopped back on the MAX home. And we ended the day. We ended almost the funnest day ever.

1) "Why such small sticks?"
"They were only a dollar."
"Where's the puck?"
"Mother Nature's the puck."
"Mother Nature's the puck. That's the best line i've ever heard."