Saturday, July 5, 2008

A 4th

Huh. Yesterday. Let's begin with the night before.

My friend Mike called and asked me if he could come over, and if he could bring Ben. So, he came, but Ben didn't, was just us.

The night started with watching half of Jeopardy! and then me eating dinner. We had a plan after i ate to go for a walk to our friend Mark's house. Mike called Mark, he didn't pick up. So, then our plan was to walk to Deja's and tell her we were walking to Mark's. So...we did that.

We got there, hung out for a while, then walked to the Esplenade. We went to the Dollar Tree and Target, because they were closing, then back to her house. He hung out hour? Then Mike and I went back to Safeway and got drinks. Instead of the S and S Mart by my house. Then we walked back to the house, and passed out.

The next morning was the 4th of July Parade. A family tradition. Deja and her pesky, apex of annoying brother were there, 'cos i told them to be. Although, he wasn't too bad. So, that went on and about, and then the fam plus Sam went back home, then to my aunt's house for lunch. It was just a tiny bit cramped, but it was still fun.

And we adopted our new cat. Koben/Smokey. More on her in the coming...times.

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