Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Life Lesson Told in Six Words

Don't trust people you don't know.

Alright, so this is a post about anyone, it could be anyone. [Lily Allen (have you heard her new stuff? it's great.)/]

The plan this morning was to go to the zoo. Deja, her brother and their friends from wherever were going, Oh...wait, did i say plan? Far from it.

No specific time was set, so it ended with with me getting called at about 8:45 asking if i could be at the MAX stop at 9. Seeing as dad wasn't up and about yet, and i needed money, uh...no. I asked if 9:30 was possible, to which i heard a flat-out "no." by strangers on the other end. so...the idea was shot down like a fighter jet in the American Revolution. (Get it? 'Cuz they weren't...nevermind.)

I suppose i'm over it now. It's just that i haven't gone to the zoo, just for the zoo in a long time, and then going with possible new friends? Cool. But nahhh. This brings me to another point:

A sincere thanks to the Minus Ones. Minus Ones? Those are what, exactly? Well, sometimes, in a fit of anger one would exclaim "Screw them all!" Even thought they might not mean all of them in that group. The oners that aren't being "screwed" are what i call Minus Ones. The people that are still good, and haven't burned you in any way. And they aren't guilty by association to the Screwees.

Watched Moulin Rouge for the million billionth time last night. I still cried, and i realized i forgot how fantastic that movie was, And still is. If you still haven't seen it, go fuck yourselves, San Diego.

Funding for the post was provided by the Minus Ones Foundation, and contributions from Viewers Like You. Thank you.

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