Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Lazy Thursday

So, i woke up this morning and ate breakfast, then i went back to sleep. I woke up, hung around for a while and ate lunch. Now I'm here. Liz and Dad are out and Liz is getting scratch for putting trash into a dumpster. And I am sitting at the computer chair, doing nothing. I should be wroking instead of Liz. I need money and Liz doesn't because she's been saving up for going to New York but she's actually not going.

Yes, that's right. That also means i won't be getting my DS Lite either. 'Tis sad, i know it. I must move on, nevertheless. It will happen (might), i just don't know when.

1) "Hence my theory theat the Dandy Warhols are a bunch of feds."

- DiG!

2) Currently playing: Donkey Kong 64
listening: Mix of BJM and Dandy's

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Triumphant Return

So, we got back at about 6:00 tonight. We drove for 9 hours almost. I think more than that.

On Saturday, we went to my uncle's house, because we were to follow him and my aunt to Washington. We got there and got a hotel at about 9:00 that night. And of course, there were idiots who didn't know and cut in front of us. At one point, they were 4 cars ahead of us.

On Sunday, we went to the Air and Space Museum and the American History Museum. I saw my first IMAX film at the Air and Space Museum. Magnificent Desolation. It was about all of the moon landings. We saw the Spirit of St. Louis and a replica of Amelia Airhart's(sp?) plane. And i saw all the old computers at the American History Museum and all of the original Muppets. We also saw Fonzi's leather jacket and Judy Garland's red slippers and one of Ray Charles' jackets and one of his keyboards. We ate at an Italian place, Papa Razzi. I had a calzone, and i finished the whole thing. And as we were driving home, thunder and lightning were on top of each other. It sounded like a horrow movie with the lighning sound effect. It was the hugest clap of thunder I've ever heard.

Then on Monday, we walked around and saw the front and side of the White House. We also went to the White House visitor's center. It started to rain hard so we went elsewhere. We checked out of our hotel and drove to Baltimore. We went to the ESPNZone for din-din. The food wasn't that great, but they had a whole floor of video games up top. It was really sweet. I played Arctic Thunder, 'cuz i had to. You really just have to if you ever have the chance. Then we went back to the hotel and watched the Beavers win the college championhip!!! Yeah, buddy! And me, mom and Liz all went to a creepy BP gas station mini mart that was right next to the Holiday Inn Express in which we were staying. Why was it creepy? The cashier was behind a windiw and creepy-lookin' dudes were in there.

And we drove home this morning. I watched DiG! And i filmed a nice little documentary film myself.

Well, i gotta go make the end credits for it. Seeya later!

PS: I'm almost to my 200th post already! Can you believe it?

1) "We're going to take over the world. We're gonna show you how to do it, too."

- DiG!

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe - Disc 4

Saturday, June 24, 2006

My Brief Message

We're supposed to leave at 10:00. But Dad hasn't showed up yet. So we might be a little late, who gives? I don't.

I'll get back to ya'll when we get back! (probably Tues.)

Friday, June 23, 2006

My Capitol

Here's the plan: We hire the dogsitter that my uncle and aunt use, then we take off tomorrow morning for Washington DC! I'm so very excited. I want to go to the Smithsonian really bad. And i want my picture taken at the Lincoln Memorial. I'll even take the vidcam. We'll have both digital cam and video. I guess i'll ravel the digital camera footage into a video that i can put on here for you guys. I can't wait! I want to go to the top of the Wasington Memorial! The Capitol building! The effing White House! I'm happy.

1) "Tonight, those questions will be answered, or at least raised, and dismissed."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently listening to: Garden State Soundtrack, Ben Folds Live

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Apathy

So, today i had to clean the toilet, bathtub and sink. And i did some laundry, and now I'm told i have to clean my room. It'll probably take me ten minutes, but i still don't want to do it.

So, not much at all has been going on the last few days. For me, anyways. But something exciting is up. We might be going to DC this weekend. Emphasis on might, i haven't heard anything since Sunday i believe. It probably won't go down.

So, the other day, someone had the nerve to comment on my YouTube video. This is what it said, in the exact words. "This is horrible, i can't believe this exists." That made me so angry. First of all, it was the first one. I admit, it was really quiet and a little crappy. But i think i made it alot better and a little louder and shorter. It went from 8 to 5.5 minutes. It just makes me angry. Of all the other thousands of crappy videos on YouTube with no point whatsoever and it's just an incredibly shakey camera for 10 seconds with a bunch of laughing and you can't even tell what's going on because you can't see anything, he has to comment on my video.

1) "You said it wrong, it's new-cue-lar, stupid, the "s" is silent."

- Family Guy

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Saturday Review

Well, today was a little shy of fantastic. Yesterday i started a YouTube show. Junk Box. I put stuff at random in a box, or what i want to, and show it. The first one's a little quiet, but #2's fine. Although, it is shot in front of a crappy webcam.

Episode 1

Episode 2

So, we went places oday, you can see what we got at these places in Episode 3.

1) "Up this way for panty hose, illegal drugs and cigarettes."

- DiG!

2) Currently shooting: Episode 3 of Junk Box

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Reflection

Well, folks. It has been a very exciting first year of blogging on Blogger. We've shared the good times, and the bad, i guess. My departure from 7th grade, Oregon, and middle school. And the undercurrent of my depature from sanity.

Well, i hope newbies will look back at my first year, and old visitors will remember the good times. Take a gander at all the hot links i offered, and the hilarious quotes from months past. I hope i can deliver another great blogging year too all, and thank you.

1) "Why doesn't the bus work? [bus door opens] Oh, OK, awesome."

- The Nighttime Clap

2) Currently watching: Garden State

My Long Overdue Thought

So, last year, on a random Saturday night, i had the video camera in my room 'cuz i wanted to watch some old home movies, and i spontaneously broke out a blank tape and made titles for a short film. That was a year and 2 months ago. I have now renewed interest in that short film. I plan to write it and hopefully ask some friends if they want to be in it. I have somewhere a paper with a list of the film ideas I have about ten. I totally forgot what they all were, but i had planned to do all 10. Like a series. Perhaps post them online for all to see. But, like every other plan of mine, it went to Hades. I need to get serious about these things.

It would also be nice if i wrote parts 2-5 of Bumbling, the story i started on DeviantArt months ago. I'll probably do that later in the year.

1) "So shiny!"

- Mario Golf: Tiadstool Tour

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3
Playing: DKC 1-3, Super Mario World, Mario Party 3

Monday, June 5, 2006

My Exploration

Gonna make it short post today. Not much to talk about.

So, i was cleariong a spot or my new chair yesterday. When i was moving my bed, i found some money. Not just any money, but 25 freaking dollars! I know, i couldn't believe it either. I have 25 dollars now. Alright, my lunch is watiting in the microwave. Gonna go.

1) "Who are you mister?"
"I'm not even here..."

- Upright Citizens Brigade

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3

Saturday, June 3, 2006

My June (Official)

A couple of things have happened in the last couple of days. Well, maybe just today. Alright. So we went to Sam's Club. It's exactly like Costco. We went to look at stuff, do some minor shopping. We have decided that we may need another computer. We need to share the Internets. So we looked at prices of notebooks and i found something pretty cool: They have great prices on DVDs there. They had 6-disc sets that would normally cost $60 for $25. I got the Family Guy Volume 1 set, haven't watched it yet. We also got the Napoleon Dynamite 2-disc Special Edition. Then we went to Wal-Mart (argh) and i got a pretty sweet chair. It's like a gaming throne. I'm probably gonna put some, nuggets on it, and 100 cupholders.

Also, just yesterday, i figured out a way for Liz and I to play our MP3 Players on the TV. I just used the audio cord from the cords that go from te video camera to the TV. I'm a genius and a prodigy, my friends.

1) "I got this from the student store, it's an MC Escher drawing. I think it's called...Crazy Stairs"

- Family Guy

2) Curently playing: Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Super Mario World (SNES) and Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Gamecube)