Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Apathy

So, today i had to clean the toilet, bathtub and sink. And i did some laundry, and now I'm told i have to clean my room. It'll probably take me ten minutes, but i still don't want to do it.

So, not much at all has been going on the last few days. For me, anyways. But something exciting is up. We might be going to DC this weekend. Emphasis on might, i haven't heard anything since Sunday i believe. It probably won't go down.

So, the other day, someone had the nerve to comment on my YouTube video. This is what it said, in the exact words. "This is horrible, i can't believe this exists." That made me so angry. First of all, it was the first one. I admit, it was really quiet and a little crappy. But i think i made it alot better and a little louder and shorter. It went from 8 to 5.5 minutes. It just makes me angry. Of all the other thousands of crappy videos on YouTube with no point whatsoever and it's just an incredibly shakey camera for 10 seconds with a bunch of laughing and you can't even tell what's going on because you can't see anything, he has to comment on my video.

1) "You said it wrong, it's new-cue-lar, stupid, the "s" is silent."

- Family Guy

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1

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