Saturday, June 3, 2006

My June (Official)

A couple of things have happened in the last couple of days. Well, maybe just today. Alright. So we went to Sam's Club. It's exactly like Costco. We went to look at stuff, do some minor shopping. We have decided that we may need another computer. We need to share the Internets. So we looked at prices of notebooks and i found something pretty cool: They have great prices on DVDs there. They had 6-disc sets that would normally cost $60 for $25. I got the Family Guy Volume 1 set, haven't watched it yet. We also got the Napoleon Dynamite 2-disc Special Edition. Then we went to Wal-Mart (argh) and i got a pretty sweet chair. It's like a gaming throne. I'm probably gonna put some, nuggets on it, and 100 cupholders.

Also, just yesterday, i figured out a way for Liz and I to play our MP3 Players on the TV. I just used the audio cord from the cords that go from te video camera to the TV. I'm a genius and a prodigy, my friends.

1) "I got this from the student store, it's an MC Escher drawing. I think it's called...Crazy Stairs"

- Family Guy

2) Curently playing: Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Super Mario World (SNES) and Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Gamecube)

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