Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Triumphant Return

So, we got back at about 6:00 tonight. We drove for 9 hours almost. I think more than that.

On Saturday, we went to my uncle's house, because we were to follow him and my aunt to Washington. We got there and got a hotel at about 9:00 that night. And of course, there were idiots who didn't know and cut in front of us. At one point, they were 4 cars ahead of us.

On Sunday, we went to the Air and Space Museum and the American History Museum. I saw my first IMAX film at the Air and Space Museum. Magnificent Desolation. It was about all of the moon landings. We saw the Spirit of St. Louis and a replica of Amelia Airhart's(sp?) plane. And i saw all the old computers at the American History Museum and all of the original Muppets. We also saw Fonzi's leather jacket and Judy Garland's red slippers and one of Ray Charles' jackets and one of his keyboards. We ate at an Italian place, Papa Razzi. I had a calzone, and i finished the whole thing. And as we were driving home, thunder and lightning were on top of each other. It sounded like a horrow movie with the lighning sound effect. It was the hugest clap of thunder I've ever heard.

Then on Monday, we walked around and saw the front and side of the White House. We also went to the White House visitor's center. It started to rain hard so we went elsewhere. We checked out of our hotel and drove to Baltimore. We went to the ESPNZone for din-din. The food wasn't that great, but they had a whole floor of video games up top. It was really sweet. I played Arctic Thunder, 'cuz i had to. You really just have to if you ever have the chance. Then we went back to the hotel and watched the Beavers win the college championhip!!! Yeah, buddy! And me, mom and Liz all went to a creepy BP gas station mini mart that was right next to the Holiday Inn Express in which we were staying. Why was it creepy? The cashier was behind a windiw and creepy-lookin' dudes were in there.

And we drove home this morning. I watched DiG! And i filmed a nice little documentary film myself.

Well, i gotta go make the end credits for it. Seeya later!

PS: I'm almost to my 200th post already! Can you believe it?

1) "We're going to take over the world. We're gonna show you how to do it, too."

- DiG!

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe - Disc 4

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