Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Lazy Thursday

So, i woke up this morning and ate breakfast, then i went back to sleep. I woke up, hung around for a while and ate lunch. Now I'm here. Liz and Dad are out and Liz is getting scratch for putting trash into a dumpster. And I am sitting at the computer chair, doing nothing. I should be wroking instead of Liz. I need money and Liz doesn't because she's been saving up for going to New York but she's actually not going.

Yes, that's right. That also means i won't be getting my DS Lite either. 'Tis sad, i know it. I must move on, nevertheless. It will happen (might), i just don't know when.

1) "Hence my theory theat the Dandy Warhols are a bunch of feds."

- DiG!

2) Currently playing: Donkey Kong 64
listening: Mix of BJM and Dandy's

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