Thursday, November 30, 2006

Vidyas A-gain!

Chauncey's History Lesson

The Color Purple

Welcome to the Black Parade

Acoustic Curves

Stick Figures

JD (Just Dailies)

1) "You think my aunts are sweet ladies, do you? Nooooo!"

- Milo (A&OL reheasal "outtake")

2) CL2: We Will Become Silhouettes by The Postal Service

3) Currently needin' a shave and hair cut...2 bits.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Douse the Lights! (We Sure Are In For A Show Tonight) Pt. I

The play is in two days.

Monday: The rehearsal -- well, let me put it this way -- It sucked a big fat rock. People were forgetting lines, blocking, the whole schmear. We wroked on it though. That brings us to...

Tuesday: It was alot better. It felt better. Everbody was doing better. I felt comfortable.

Today: Rehearsal hasn't happened yet. Need to look over notes again when I get back to school tonight.

Well, I hope to have part dos on Mon. Until then, I'll be seeing you.

1) "Anyone of you wanna be a "can't-hack-it"...pantywaste...who wears your mamma's bra, raise your hand."

- On Tour With Hellogoodbye

2) CL2: My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon by Fall Out Boy

3) "Bully!"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

About 5 Days.

So, we all had a nice 5-day weekend, right? I did!!!!

Wednesday: I don't remember! AHHHHHH!!!

Thursday: Went to my uncle's house and ate, hung out with cousin Lucy, the citest baby in the history of ever.

Friday: Went to Bailey's house where me, Chris, Bailey and David ran lines and...played Wii. I bowled and boxed. It was very great.

Saturday: Went to school for tech for the play. Got my costume together finally, helped get more props and hats, hung out with people, went to Moes' for lunch, David got me a frosty at Wendy's, blah blah.

Today: Nothing. Shocking.

That's it. And guess what? Five days from today is the play.


I'm panicking, don't know why, i know my lines. The rehearsal is tomorrow, that's probably why. I'm afraid I might freeze.

1) "[cough] Idiot!"
"[cough] You're the idiot!"
"[cough] Nice [cough] comeback!"

- The Office (US)

2) Currently listening to: Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not Me

- My Chemical Romance

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I Just Can't Take This

I swear I can't.

My father says we're going to move back. Don't get me wrong, I love Oregon to death. And we'll be a whole lot closer to family again, and I'll see all of my old friends again, but not I know and like way too many people to move back. He says we're moist likely moving after the school year, but nothing is too certain. I just don't want to do that all over again, you know?

Also, Something else has really been bugging me. It is personal, so I'll try to be subtle.

Have you ever had a friend who is in your grade and they say to you that "you make the world make sense"? And then you sort of ask them out to the fair and they reject you and start going out with a freaking senior? Yeah, me too. Not so subtle, but who could give a shit?

God, I need to sulk. You people don't get your precious Dailies today.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm very depressed and I do not want to talk about it.

About a Week

Well, I've been sort of...gone, haven't I?

Well, the parentals decided not to pay the internet bill, so we had to wait until they sent us some sort of kit to get us up and running again. Freaking BellSouth.

Well, the past week has been eventful. This weekend, I went to the Best Buy store and I bought Wonder Showzen Season 2 and Sufjan Stevens' album Illinois, in which the cover states, "Sufjan Stevens invites you to come on feel the Illinoise." Good stuff.

WS S2 is full of crazy good times as well, including a featurette on the art of Mindfudgery. It comes with a storybook in it too. It's so great.

Well, I'm back now, so stop your whining. I know you.

1) "If you think you're going to get out of this by pretending you're insane, you're crazy!"

- Arsenic and Old Lace

2) Currently feeling the Illinoise.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Well, Didn't See That Coming

Yesterday, i was feeling like crap ever since 2nd period. It kept getting worse and worse until finally, I puked my guts out at 4th period. Not in the classroom, but over the porch of the classroom. Good times.

So, i hanged out in the office until school was over, they couldn't get a hold of dad because his cell phone was temporarily disconnected (money troubles) abd I didn't know he had mom's phone.

So, the day got over, I got a ride, and I got home. My Office DVDs came. I watched the first one only. I couldn't keep any food down.

Alright, I need to go eat some nasty-smelling soup.

1) "Shower her...with diamonds! [card is clubs] sauce...shower her with club sauce!"

- Arrested Development

2) currently watching: my new DVDs...wahaha

3) Thought: "And i say lalalalala after everthing i say! Lalalalala!"

Tuesday, November 7, 2006


Panic! At The Disco vs. The Dresden Dolls

Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny

They Might Be Giants - Boss of Me (Pop-Up Video)

Stupid Yet Awesome Holiday


Anyway, this post comes a bit early because, and this is really mindless, we 'ave Election Day off. Yes, i know, we don't vote. But apparntly, they feel we need school off. So far, i haven't done a thing. Basically, i've been waiting for my Office DVDs to get here. They'll probably come tomorrow. I really hate ordering things.

1) "Let me tell you something. There's nothing i'd like more than to send you new kids back on the boat to where you came from."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently watching: SWC - commentaries.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

I'm Not A Lending Library, But Pretty Darn Close

Yeah, i wanted to add this. Cuz, you just cannot have too many kitty pictures.

So, i promised somebody i'd lend them season 1 of Scrubs, and i did. Yep.

So, i have to write 5 pages of a 1-act play for Creative Writing, i should really get on it.

Just a quick update, I'll catch you later.

1) "You should really use some astringent on your face, because sreiously, it's gross."

- Totally Awesome

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Quince, Quinze, Same Difference

My birthday (yesterday) was relatively good, surprisingly.

OK, first off, we had a delayed start 'cuz thwe teachers had meetings and the like, so i got up 1.5 hours later. Then i wentto school, had an okay first period, then 2nd came.

As soon as i walked in the door, Heather handed me a bag of candies. I thanked her, of course. Also, English and Rachel gave me a bag, which had a gift in it, the new Killers CD. I'm loving this day alot at this point. Then i went to luch, blah dee blah, rehearsal after school went good. Talked to grandparents, aunt and cousins. Got a card from mom and dad, and I'm getting the British Office box-set in the mail soon.

Today was alright. Got a card from grandparents, $40. Aw yeeuh.

1) "My favorite part of the song is the "5 gold rings" part, people go berserk at this point. People run in from another room to sing this part."

- Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill

2) Currently watching: The Office: Season 2

3) "Ooh, Oz-y!"