Tuesday, November 21, 2006

About a Week

Well, I've been sort of...gone, haven't I?

Well, the parentals decided not to pay the internet bill, so we had to wait until they sent us some sort of kit to get us up and running again. Freaking BellSouth.

Well, the past week has been eventful. This weekend, I went to the Best Buy store and I bought Wonder Showzen Season 2 and Sufjan Stevens' album Illinois, in which the cover states, "Sufjan Stevens invites you to come on feel the Illinoise." Good stuff.

WS S2 is full of crazy good times as well, including a featurette on the art of Mindfudgery. It comes with a storybook in it too. It's so great.

Well, I'm back now, so stop your whining. I know you.

1) "If you think you're going to get out of this by pretending you're insane, you're crazy!"

- Arsenic and Old Lace

2) Currently feeling the Illinoise.

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