Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I Just Can't Take This

I swear I can't.

My father says we're going to move back. Don't get me wrong, I love Oregon to death. And we'll be a whole lot closer to family again, and I'll see all of my old friends again, but not I know and like way too many people to move back. He says we're moist likely moving after the school year, but nothing is too certain. I just don't want to do that all over again, you know?

Also, Something else has really been bugging me. It is personal, so I'll try to be subtle.

Have you ever had a friend who is in your grade and they say to you that "you make the world make sense"? And then you sort of ask them out to the fair and they reject you and start going out with a freaking senior? Yeah, me too. Not so subtle, but who could give a shit?

God, I need to sulk. You people don't get your precious Dailies today.

1 comment:

weas said...

I had to deal with that a lot. First there was the move to Colorado. That sucked. Then we moved elsewhere in Colorado, which didn't suck quite as much, but it sucked nonetheless. Then we finally came back to Oregon. And that is the greatest suck of them all, because I don't have contact with any of my old friends - Oregon or otherwise.