Thursday, November 9, 2006

Well, Didn't See That Coming

Yesterday, i was feeling like crap ever since 2nd period. It kept getting worse and worse until finally, I puked my guts out at 4th period. Not in the classroom, but over the porch of the classroom. Good times.

So, i hanged out in the office until school was over, they couldn't get a hold of dad because his cell phone was temporarily disconnected (money troubles) abd I didn't know he had mom's phone.

So, the day got over, I got a ride, and I got home. My Office DVDs came. I watched the first one only. I couldn't keep any food down.

Alright, I need to go eat some nasty-smelling soup.

1) "Shower her...with diamonds! [card is clubs] sauce...shower her with club sauce!"

- Arrested Development

2) currently watching: my new DVDs...wahaha

3) Thought: "And i say lalalalala after everthing i say! Lalalalala!"

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