Sunday, November 26, 2006

About 5 Days.

So, we all had a nice 5-day weekend, right? I did!!!!

Wednesday: I don't remember! AHHHHHH!!!

Thursday: Went to my uncle's house and ate, hung out with cousin Lucy, the citest baby in the history of ever.

Friday: Went to Bailey's house where me, Chris, Bailey and David ran lines and...played Wii. I bowled and boxed. It was very great.

Saturday: Went to school for tech for the play. Got my costume together finally, helped get more props and hats, hung out with people, went to Moes' for lunch, David got me a frosty at Wendy's, blah blah.

Today: Nothing. Shocking.

That's it. And guess what? Five days from today is the play.


I'm panicking, don't know why, i know my lines. The rehearsal is tomorrow, that's probably why. I'm afraid I might freeze.

1) "[cough] Idiot!"
"[cough] You're the idiot!"
"[cough] Nice [cough] comeback!"

- The Office (US)

2) Currently listening to: Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens

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