Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh, Mayfete. You're the...Fete to My May.

Mayfete kicked off for everyone yesterday. With the boring assembly.

Today was Unplugged during both lunches. Good times. There was a kid who sang Jason Mraz awfully though.

Tomorrow...i won't be there, but there will be a petting zoo and a huge game of Red Light, Green Light. Tear. I won't be there.

Thursday: Unplugged again, and the talent show.

Friday: Spartquake! Can i wait? No.

Come see the play on the 1st-3rd of May.

2) currently about to download: Can't Say No by The Helio Sequence

Sunday, April 27, 2008

About 2/5 of the Voices Have Silenced

So...first weekend of VFtHS: Aight.

Friday was awesome. Not a metric ton of people, but still a modest amount. My parents, grandparents, aunt and cousin came. So, yay to them. And they all met the girlfriend, so...how about that? I met her grandparents too, which was also nice.

Saturday: About 2.4 people in the audience. Not really, but not alot. The show also wasn't feeling the best. Not many people saw it though, so...good. I was told we were good though, so also cool.

I've had a mind-numbingly long weekend. I'm ready for it to be over and for Mayfete to begin! It's gonna be 'mazing! One acts, Spartquake, yeah.

1) "We...have...been invited...to the Police Convention in Miami Beach! And we were invited because...they invited everybody."

- Reno 911!: Miami

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hurry, Little Children

Finish the play
So i can get
Home todaaaayyyyy

Dress rehearsal tonight lasted forever. Son of a bit-chuh. I even left early, because dad might have killed somebody.

Tomorrow's might be longer. It's the final dress, and yeah...Gotta...be good. Honestly. I'll try to get someone to take me home, so my dad doesn't flip a piano. Why a piano? I really don't know. Don't ask, i don't know the answer.


Everyone just needs to calm the frick down.

Ever since about Monday, everbody, and by everybody i mean alot of people, have been acting incredibly distraught. It's incredibly difficult to understand why every one has to be such bithces and also how come their days can't be unicorns and rainbows like mine almost always are. Even though today, i was feeling like a tiny bag of crap.

Physically, not mentally. I was a little tired as well, but other than that, i'm fine.

Flight of the Conchords and Cloverfield came out yesterday. Woooo.

Play in 2 days. Errbody should come.

1) "If you can't think of anything, just start talkin' about poopin'."

- Cody Fletcher at lunch

Monday, April 21, 2008

Heavy Lourde

So, today...evertone was all weird. Nobody was there. And i mean, "there". Alot of people were physically at school, but whatever. It's just that no one seemed in their right minds.

I have no idea why, but choir tour took a heaping emotional toll on tons of people. I'm kind of happy i didn't go, but kinda not.

Dress rehearsals start today. I'm ready as i'll ever be for the opening night, and am working out a pep speech in my head. I'm gonna melt me some faces.

I still need to get my costumes ready. So...Lemme go do that.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Like The City in Alaska?


So, Wednesday was a pretty crazy day. Dad bought the one disc version of Juno, so Liz went back to Target after school to get the right one, and brought it back home. It was for later that evening. She was leaving to Canada the next morning and she had a sleepover with Cody, Sam and Ariel. Ben came over and we watched American Idol.

So we watched almost half of the movie, and went to sleep.

The next morning, we all went to IHOP, and it was great. We went back to the house real fast and dad and the other kids left. I made my lunch and came back later to also deliver Liz's coat and Sam's Skittles. And they were off.

Friday was also great n' crazy. Right after school, i went to dinner with Deja and her family. Then we went to Poynter's musical, which she choreographed a number for. So yay. We also saw the talent that were going to be freshmen next year, and i can't wait.

Saturday...nothing happened.

Today...nothing will happen except everybody gets back from Canada. Also yay.

I watched The Pursuit of Happyness last night. Good flick.

1) "I could go to the basement and get some water. And those were good times."

- Lewis Black

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How Come You Did That?

The play is in a week and a day. Oh my jesus. My life doesn't need this. Actually, it does. Whatever.

Choir concert was last night. Meh. Sam asked Liz to prom in front of everybody. It was the almost greatest ever.

1) "I wouldn't say i was pregnant, per se..."

- Sam

2) currently listening to: random...things.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Today was Monday. I didn't do much. I had first period, and half of second. Then i went no a mobility lesson. Goot back at 4:00. Got a liter of Diet Coke. Gonna drink the rest of it at rehearsal later.

Aight. Just telling you guys things. I have nothing amazing to add, so...Deal with it.

1) "Function! Function damn you!"

- King of the Hill

2) currently listening to: Strange Apparition by Beck

Sunday, April 13, 2008

S'Bin Fun

So, mom and i went to the Goodwill outlet bins today. Nothing too exciting. Bought nothing. Looked at bikes. Woo.

Went to Safeway. Bought...food. And other things.

Went home. Ate. Played Donkey Kong. Bleh. Okay.

The washer is probably walking right now..

1) "Nothing to see here. Just a rapist with a gun to his head."

- Reno 911!

No, It is So Not Sunday

I want to do things. This is bullcrap. I suppose i could get off my arse and find something fun to do, but no. Meh, it's all good. Hackey sack!

Well, Friday was certainly a night to remembah. Battle of the Bands. Hosted by Vivian Noller and Madison Wellington. Both were excellent MCs. Telling stories about lollies and doing their best Jaggers.

They also threw out lollies, one of which i got. It was tres bien.

So, the bands were:

Couch: Oh my god. How about never hearing them again? That'd be...great.

Florentene: Ben Noyes, Cody Fletcher, and Mark McSpadden's band. So, i automatically have to like them. But i actually did. They could all sing, so...that's good.

Mangfald: I knew people in there too, and they were really good.

Green T: Prety good. Not bad.

Band Geeks Unite!: They were okay.

So, they all played. And the top 3 were:

Couch: REALLY?!

Florentene: YEAH!

Mangfald: Also yeah!

Mangfald won: We all rushed the stage. Well, not really going up onto the stage, but we went up to it. The song they played was roickin', and all the people from the other bands came on and danced around like fools. Then we all went to Red Robin. Then we went home. Yay.

1) "We don't need Justin."
"Yeah we do. It says "dance crew must have 4 members. That was fast! Wanna go get some pizza?"

- Kickin' it Old Skool

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ew...I'm Busy

The next few weeks are full of business. I have a choir concert on the 15th, and on the 30th is our festival field trip. The week coming after next is Mayfete shows, and opening night of the play. And it is also a day after the huge ass field trip, which i'm going to be tired as all get out from. Fun times.

Anyway, i must go fix myself some dinner before i go to rehearsal later. See y'alls.

1) "Booger sounds so gross."
"Call it something else."
"What else would you call it?"
"Nose poop?"

- Liz and Sam

2) currently wanting to won: Colin Meloy Sings Live!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Foamy Justice

So, i recently found out who the "fire"-extinguishing, seat-ripping, shit-thrower-around-er is. It's someone in the play, and someone else in the play's brother. The former, i did not see doing this at all, for any reason. The latter...well, i don't know the guy, so...Can't really say. Anyway, i just have this to say.

I know anger can sometimes get the best of us. The very best, and put it in kind of a stranglehold and not let go. It may feel as if nothing matters anymore, i don't know. But that is absolutely no excuse for the blatant disrespect of what some people call their home away from home. I am one of them. Theatre is one of my few ways to express myself. It disappoints and angers me to almost no end, what happened. But, life goes on, we may have to find someoone else for the parts, i have no clue. what's going to happen. All i know is, i'm not going to respect anyone who does anything like this, ever.

Well, on a lighter note, today was actually pretty fun. Choir was fun, even. Not boring like usual. And Wednesday is Sing on Your Way to Class Day, so get ready for that, chillinz.

1) "Hello, my name is Ayahhh!"

- Ariel at lunch

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A is for Applesauce

...My favorite meal. Not realy though. But i had some last night...

Anyway, Thursday was great, actually. In first period we had a sub, so we almost didn't do anything, because we only ran the scenes i wasn't in. It was grand.

So, regarding the fight in the theatre the other day: One of the members of the cast was partially blamed for it. We all thought it wasn't him, and that he would never do anything remotely like that. He was not allowed to go into the theatre until he got clearance from the administration. The cast thought this wasn't right, and to show that, along with our temwork and togetherness, we decided to have practice outside. It was very nice outside, and i felt like part of something really meaningful.

Friday was also really cool. Sam, Liz and i went to see our friend Leah play at Insomnia, the coffee shop which i found out is not that far from our house. She was really good.

Saturday was really cool as well. Ben, Jake, Leah, Ariel, Mike and Kyle went to Kelsey's house and had Sweeney Todd night. After the movie, we had a massive, and epic pillow fight. When Ben and i pranked Burger King. It was fantastic.

And now it's today. School tomorrow. Blah blah blah.


1) "Frank's sick."
"Since when?"
"Since twenty years ago."

- Hot Rod

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Granum Style

So...by some odd circumstances, and the longest and strangest story i've ever heard, we now have our old car back instead of the new one. We'll look for a new one sometime when we really need to. We ordered the part we need, so...yeah. But do not ever go to the Thomas Auto Sales across from the Royal Moore or whatever. It's now awful in my mind.

So, yesterdayduring rehearsal, Arron was doing his scene. Or about to. He kept debating, before starting, whether he should be a method actor and take his pants off or not. The scene calls for him to be wearing a leotard. So, he finally did. Now, whenever does something with np pants, they're doin' it Aaron Granum-style.

When the 1st period Drama 2 students entered the theatre this morning, the state of the room was abysmal. There was a ripped seat in the front row on the left side. We were then told that people came in at about 9 o'clock last night and had a fight over "some girl missing her period." or something like that. Chairs were thrown around and things were turned upside down. And apparently the janitor, who i now consider to be a huge moron, heard the fight, and didn't even bother to call the cops. That is ridiculous. Investigation continues, and i'll probably have some more information tomorrow. In the meantime, Jazz Cabaret is tomorrow, so that's cool. Bye.