Sunday, April 27, 2008

About 2/5 of the Voices Have Silenced

So...first weekend of VFtHS: Aight.

Friday was awesome. Not a metric ton of people, but still a modest amount. My parents, grandparents, aunt and cousin came. So, yay to them. And they all met the girlfriend, about that? I met her grandparents too, which was also nice.

Saturday: About 2.4 people in the audience. Not really, but not alot. The show also wasn't feeling the best. Not many people saw it though, so...good. I was told we were good though, so also cool.

I've had a mind-numbingly long weekend. I'm ready for it to be over and for Mayfete to begin! It's gonna be 'mazing! One acts, Spartquake, yeah.

1) "We...have...been the Police Convention in Miami Beach! And we were invited because...they invited everybody."

- Reno 911!: Miami

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