Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Granum Style some odd circumstances, and the longest and strangest story i've ever heard, we now have our old car back instead of the new one. We'll look for a new one sometime when we really need to. We ordered the part we need, so...yeah. But do not ever go to the Thomas Auto Sales across from the Royal Moore or whatever. It's now awful in my mind.

So, yesterdayduring rehearsal, Arron was doing his scene. Or about to. He kept debating, before starting, whether he should be a method actor and take his pants off or not. The scene calls for him to be wearing a leotard. So, he finally did. Now, whenever does something with np pants, they're doin' it Aaron Granum-style.

When the 1st period Drama 2 students entered the theatre this morning, the state of the room was abysmal. There was a ripped seat in the front row on the left side. We were then told that people came in at about 9 o'clock last night and had a fight over "some girl missing her period." or something like that. Chairs were thrown around and things were turned upside down. And apparently the janitor, who i now consider to be a huge moron, heard the fight, and didn't even bother to call the cops. That is ridiculous. Investigation continues, and i'll probably have some more information tomorrow. In the meantime, Jazz Cabaret is tomorrow, so that's cool. Bye.

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